chapter 6; disorientated

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-

part 1, chapter 6; disorientated


Tad grinned with braced teeth, mabel's eye twitching slightly showing tad was not used to possession, let alone two eyes.

"get out of her. now." Alcor growled in a dangerously low tone, his eyes dilating into slits as he suppressed turning into more of a demonic form.

"or your gonna what? a little birdie told me you dealt out being powerless for a week, looks like you still have... hm... what, about 2 days till then?" Tad teased, wobbling as he stood up and waked to a full body mirror, examining his new female body.

"oooh, I've never inhabited a female, this should be fun. i wonder if they smell the same" Tad taunted, smelling his own breath.

"ugh... too sweet. does this girl drink syrup or something? I cant believe the human twin of my new brother is such an idiot" tad spat.

"you say whatever you like about me but leave shooting star out of this" Alcor shouted, a dangerous red and evil aura radiating off of him as his bat wings tore through his shirt. his eyes became a black based red as his body was ablaze with silver flames.

"you wanna go? go on, hit me! you'll just have to hurt this pretty face along with me, not like you know how to hurt me anyway" Tad laughed evilly.

Alcor did the only thing he could do. he did something tad wouldn't expect. he hurt mabel.

he punched mabel in the jaw, a crack filling the air as tad lost control in shock, leaving mabel on the ground disorientated and in pain.

"what the f*ck did you just do to my granddaughter?!" A shout came from behind them and Alcor spun around, quickly converting to his human form as he saw Ford standing in the doorway with a standard gun.


Stanford stood from his desk, deciding to go up and apologise and offer the demon the deal of staying for another week in turn for never hurting the pines family. ran up the stairs and was about to go in when he heard laughing and shouting. he opened the door to witness his granddaughter being punched in the face by the demon who he had previous doubt on. his suspicions were correct. the demon as evil.

he whipped the gun he had hoisted on his belt and pointed it at the demon out of routine.

"what the f*ck did you just do to my granddaughter?!" he spat, clicking the safety off the gun and holding his finger to the trigger.

"it's not what it looked like she was po-" Stanford shot the demon in the middle of the eyes, cutting the demons sentence off.

"owwww" the demon whined, dipping his finger into the wound and scooping the bullet out only for the wound to heal.

"look Stanford, I was helping-"


"no, I punched tad strange-"

"the only thing strange here was ever trusting you enough to let you in the household" Ford shouted, placing his gun back in his pocket as the two brawled eventually ending up at the clearing outside.

Whilst they fought, mabel's shouts and pleads for mercy for the demon were enough to call Wendy, soos and Stan out the house.

"enough, you stupid cipher! let me end you with the new demon gun I designed!" Ford chuckled in an evil tone.

ford kicked the demon to the floor, placing a foot on his back and placing a gun to his head.

"why don't you fight back?" Ford taunted.

"why should I?" alcor whimpered half-pridefully.

"because your an all for nothing cipher, thats why!" Ford raised his voice, placing more pressure on his back, locking his gun on target. the demon shook, knowing that if he didn't do anything soon, not only will he be dead but yet another member of the pines family will suffer the same curse he did. golden tears leaked from his blue form, withering the ground as they dripped down his chin he tried ever so much to hold high.

blood trickled down from the scraped and cuts he had received, eyes glazed over in pain as the spine between his wings were being crushed, his jaw gritting and his body pulsating in a fiery agony, yet he still didn't fight back.

Wendy cried for him to stop abusing the kid, oblivious to him being a demon.

soos screamed for him to stop hurting the 15 year-old he saw.

Stanley shouted about kicking him out of the family if he continued.

mabel shrieked and whimpered, tears clogging her vision as her vocals burned.


Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now