chapter 5; demonic lifeline

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-

part 1, chapter 5; demonic lifeline


Eventually mabel had to go to sleep, Alcor joining her in her mindscape to pass the time. Alcor showed her around her mindscape which was, surprise surprise, another more civilized mabel land, the only difference was there was no one in sight.

down the abandoned yet colorful road were shops, each one serving as a section of memories. whilst one was a photography shop showing all her scrap book memories, others were sweater shops, art shops and ever pet shops.

at the north end of the road was a wishing well of desires wish showed every hope and dream the happy-go-lucky girl had ever wanted and in other arias were other explainable random things, such as a fancy castle that had all her childhood friends jumping obliviously on, cheering and singing.

eventually it was time to wake up and mabel thanked him for bringing her to her minds cape instead of her going through nightmare after nightmare about dipper.

over the coarse of 4 days they had grown close and reliant on each other, ford had become cautious, observant and more paranoid about it whereas Stan would have asked if alcor wanted to stay longer, for mabel's sake, if it weren't for ford threatening to throw him out of the shack.

Ford had been down in the basement stressing over how to get rid of the demon if he didn't want to leave straight away when Stanley had entered, a sad expression on his face.

"what do you want?" Ford spat, bags under his eyes from tasking this that and the other but nothing working, after all dream demons are a very distant and powerful species compared to normal demons. exorcism didn't work unless they were possessing someone who was previously holy and bible basis did nothing but give them the giggles. there was no way of killing someone- something who was already dead.

"Look... Mable is happy with Alcor and so far he has done nothing wrong to this family. maybe there is such thing as an okay demon..." Stan sighed.

"no. he's a cipher. he's a demon. he randomly appeared after my grandson's death and he is manipulating my granddaughter just as bill did to me. I'm not standing for him." Ford growled, flipping more exorcism pages.

"so far he has helped mabel by giving her Dipper's hat, helping her with her nightmares, giving her someone to talk to. he has voluntarily started working at the shack to help out, he has promised to stay in human form and limited his time here to one week simply because he knew any more time and you'd not allow it. I really think he's just a lonely demon looking for comfort by helping someone else going through the same problems. I know I'm not experience in demons, heck, I barely know anything about the supernatural beings lurking in the forests outside this home but I know that without that demon's emotional support my great niece would still be crying in her room, grieving, sleep deprived and starving. I know that that demon has become her lifeline just as he relies on her and while your too caught up in your hatred for bill to notice that your family is suffering, so go ahead and get rid of the demon, but know that if you do, your not my brother and your sure as hell no longer her grandfather" Stan spat. he spun around, leaving in anger as ford sat there, given new information to think about.

risk his families safety for their happiness or lose them for their safety?


on the 5th night of his stay, Alcor had to attend to a brother's of Bill's who was now his brother. He met up with him in the minds cape and lets just say it didn't go well. Tad was threatening pulling his twins life apart from the inside out for revenge and Alcor had to threaten the life of tad's daughter. tad finally settled down, seeing as cipher's powers as stronger and he didn't want to have his young stella strange die after he lost his wife to one of Bill's raging fits.

when Alcor went home he had fun having mabel decorate his hair, dying the underneath of it black because apparently it suited his human form.

the fun was cut short when mabel fell to the floor, chocking. Alcor ran to her side, frantically asking what was wrong and trying to help his 'sister' with his healing powers only for nothing to fork.

eventually mabel stopped dry heaving and looked up to face the demon.

"hey, cipher" Mabel grinned, eyes blue and square.

"tad" Alcor growled.

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now