chapter 4; substituted siblings

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-

part 1, chapter 4; substituted siblings


The pines family were left confused after Alcor's summoning. they had returned to their daily lives, deciding they would get nothing more out of the demon they had summoned... while Stanford was down in their basement, researching.

Ford slammed shut the french dictionary, throwing into the pile of european dictionaries. he had looked at asian, american, aurorean and multiple other languages. he had looked at encrypts and decrypts, mythological languages and all sorts. all he had left was latin. basic latin.

F... F...fa...fall... fallaciosus! noun... 'based on a mistaken belief. that was it? what did the demon mean by that? did he mean that no one killed Dipper... that he died of a natural cause or... or was dipper not dead?

the new discovery developed ford's confusion, he rubbed his temples in frustration, noting down his findings and heading into the portal room to summon the demon to question him if he was right.

he drew up bill's circle, considering it worked last time, and started the chant.

soon the demon known as alcor appeared with an irritated look.

"you could of just summoned be via my summoning circle, you know. how rude." Alcor hissed, throwing a card at the grumpy old man.

"oh... uh, thanks?" Ford placed the paper in the journal and continued, "considering you don't seem like that much of a hostile demon, I thought it possible to ask you a question and for you to answer honestly."

"depends, whats ol' sixer going to ask" Alcor floated into a laying down position, one arm behind his head, legs crossed and he looked at his nails with fake interest.

"what did you mean by a mistaken belief?" Ford asked, clutching his book nervously.

"thats for me to know and you to find out. oh! by the way! I wanted to make my part of the deal up." Alcor giggled slightly.

"and what would that be?" Ford scowled warily at the demon.

"I decided your experience with bill was unpleasant and I want to prove myself a better demon, so I want to stay at the mystery shack disguised as a human for a week."

"w-what? no!" Ford growled, feeling protective of his family.

"fez, you have no option here, it was part of my deal... unless you want me arising any memory, research or reminder you have of my part of the deal from existence, I'd suggest you pay up" Alcor Smirked evil as he saw conflict in the old man's dull eyes.

"fine. only for one week"



Ford walked into the living room where shooting star sat cross-legged, braiding fez' hair, who sat on the floor crying about some 'duchess' episode.

"Stanley, mabel. this is Alcor. as a part of his deal he has decided to be staying here in human form for a week." Ford stepped aside so the two could look up at the smirking 15 year-old.

Alcor had become what appeared to be a mid-teen with perfect dirty blond hair. he had on light blue jeans, a yellow t-shirt and a black hoody with stars at the end's of the hood's cord.

his boots were black with yellow laces, also decorated with stars. He had a bright yellowish blonde eye, the other hidden by his half-combed-over hair. on his right ear was a single eating, being a string with two beads and a feather.

"hello there shooting star, fez." Alcor smiled kindly, not evilly as he once had.

"uh... hi?" Shooting star replied, letting go of Stan's hair.

"I'll be staying upstairs with Shooting star as I had previously discussed with Sixer. I obviously am not aloud to hurt anyone, not that I had intentions such as those" Alcor chuckled.

"you're staying with me?" Mabel asked, grinning. she had been desperate for a friend since dipper's death, and if its the demon, so be it.

Mabel dragged the demon upstairs, letting him sit down on what had originally been dipper's bed. Alcor felt around looking for the things he had left in places, only to find them cleared out.

"so... how old are you, shooting star?" Alcor asked, trying out a conversation.

"oh... you can call me mabel... or mabe would do. I'm 12 but I'm going to be 13 in a couple weeks time!" Mabel jumped on her bed, somehow already in pyjamas.

"well, mabel, happy birthday for then. I have a gift for you. would you like it?" Alcor asked, making a small gift appear in his palm. he couldn't pass up an opportunity to befriend his ex-sister.

"OH DO I" Mabel ran over, opening the present. she gasped when she opened it.

inside was a shooting star necklace to mach her jumper, though there was a pine tree pendent next to it and dippers hat folded neatly underneath it.

"I thought you might want them, to help you-" Alcor was cut off by mabel hugging him tightly, tears escaping her eyes.

"d-did I do something wrong... I'm sorry, I thought you would want-"

"no... thank you. its perfect." Mabel unlatched herself and put on the necklace, placing the hat on her head, "thank you so much"

Mabel wiped her tears away, looking down at the pendent, they glowed as she smiled.

"I want to be your friend mabel... after going through the same loss of a sibling as you, I want to be able to have a friend who can relate... is it working?" Alcor awkwardly peered up at mabel, both of them smiling.

"I would love for you to be my friend, you idiot... maybe we could even be, like... substituted siblings?" Mabel asked.


"deal" and so the two shook hands.

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now