chapter 1; are you okay with this?

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-

part 2, chapter 1; are you okay with this?


"ford... our deal states I have to stay for 2 more days, meaning you have no ability to kill me during that time. we may as well get past it with mutual respect. after that you can try and murder me or whatever, but till then if you brake the deal I can just as easily wipe your memories of my existence. so choose wisely, Sixer." Alcor warned, returning to his human-like appearance.

"fine. but I'm setting some mid-game rules." Ford growled, receiving an impatient nod from the demon, he continued, "one, you can't hurt anyone no matter the situation. two, absolutely no demonic form or powers. three, you cant go in the basement or any of the bedrooms unless given permission. and finally, four, no interfering with anyones dreams. got it, short stack?"

"mmhm. what do I get in return for the addition of rules?" Alcor sighed, seeing a confused expression appear on ford face, only for him to get annoyed.

"you can stay another week after the 2 days are up." Ford grumbled, disappointingly so.

"let me use my powers for harmless tasks and you have a deal. I do have some business to attend to when your all asleep."

Ford groaned, but agreed the two shaking hands and mabel re-latching herself to his arm.


the two twins sat down in the attic, after mabel gave him wordless permission by dragging him in.

she locked the door, sighing heavily and sitting on dipper's bed, next to alcor.

"so... why didn't you just tell me it was you, dipper?" she asked.

Alcor annoyingly flinched at the name, his shoulders hunching slightly in shame.

"I guess I didn't want to disappoint my 12 year-old sister?" Alcor questioned.

"you say that as if I'm not the alpha twin..." Mabel pondered out loud.

"thats because your not. after my death I was reformed in my dreamscape. in my dreamscape there's no time due to my passing so I'm 15 while you're only 12. I'm 3 years older than you." Alcor giggled, patting down mabel's hair the way an adult would to their child.

"no fair! I was born first!" Mabel whined, feeling defencing, finally realising why dipper looked so much older.

"omg, you have a chance with Wendy now! woo-hoo, ships are gonna sail!" Mabel giggled, squishing her cheeks together in excitement.

"no chance, mabel. Now that I'm a demon I feel no romantic or sexual attraction. the closest I can get to that is a type of past like grief. just like sibling love. I love you because i grieve our old connection. It makes everything so much more complicated yet so much easier and simpler." Dipper sighed, leaning back on the pillows and crossing his legs, arms behind his head as he closed his eyes. awkward silence filling the room for a while.

"are you okay with all this?" Mabel questioned, fiddling with her fingers.

"what do you mean?" Alcor asked.

"all this. like how your a demon and how ford hates you now and stuff" Mabel asked, peering up at the demon who hummed in response.

"I learned to not hate myself over those three years. Ford hating me is actually reassuring to me. it shows me how safe you are with a grandfather who puts you before everything and anything." Alcor sat back up, sitting cross legged.

"right answer Dip-a-dot!" Mabel giggled, hugging her brother in an awkward position.

"please don't call me that... it was bad enough with you calling me dipper... just call me alcor, pleeeeaaaaase" Alcor whined, hugging back.

"sure, dipping sauce. suuurre"

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now