chapter 3; fallaciosus

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-

part 1, chapter 3; fallaciosus


Dipper was flying around in anticipation, chasing the oblivious birds over land only to teleport himself to outside the mystery shack in awe and wonder.

he had missed the place so much that he just wanted to burst out in happiness... but he didn't really show emotions like that anymore. instead he grinned, looking around to see everything the same accept one thing.

he saw shootingst- mabel wearing all black, walking out into the forest with sixer and fez. Dipper followed silently, knowing he wouldn't be seen due to the fact he didn't have a physical form or any want to be noticed through their dreamscape.

"hey dudes" Wendy and soos greeted sadly, walking up to them as they walked to a small crowed.

up in front there was a microphone on a lifted platform, next to a coffin at its side.

they all queued up to say something and it broke Alcor's heart- no, it broke dippers heart. he could almost feel his old self morning, and he hated this self-pity kind of feeling.

"hey kid, I'm sorry i wasn't there for you. I should of been the one to deal the last blow, not you, kid. I don't know what happened but I swear I'll never forget you. you'll always be our hero." fez mumbled to the coffin.

"hey, dipper. I'm sorry i was never there to help guid you. I'm sorry i ignored you instead of embraced you at the start. i should have prepared you. you were brave when I wouldn't dare stand up and fight. you would have made a fine scientist." Sixer walked on.

"hey... Would you believe me if i said i actually liked you? every time you blushed or commented something sweet all i could think about was you for days... i was so pressured by age difference i never had the courage to step up and tell you. you've got spirit kid. i wish you were here to hear me say it." Wendy sat down by her family, some of which dipper had encountered but not personally.

"you were the coolest dude that ever duded" soos tried to joke, crying.

"hey... dip. I-... I promise...." Mabel burst out crying. she ran up to a couple at the front and hugged them, only to realise they were dipper parents.

as soon as the service was over, everyone left. mabel thankfully stayed in gravity falls and everyone returned home after the burial.

Alcor was starting to think... maybe he shouldn't return. maybe he should go somewhere else.


Alcor was floating around the forest, fulfilling Bill's duties by creating dreams in his imagination as he walked. So far he had scheduled dreams for everyone in the town for the next month or so... how? a lot of spare time.

The Pines family had gone back to normal with the odd awkward silence when someone mentioned something they shouldn't have, but otherwise the family had done their best to forget. This mean that Alcor, the invisible and unnoticed demon had nothing to do, no chaos to admire.

so... where else could he get chaos in gravity falls? it's forest of course. its creatures defied physics and gave the demon a homely feeling he could find nowhere else.

In this 'healthy' environment, Alcor was left to Bill's work and eventually ending up where he is now, floating cross legged against a tree with an unbearable headache which was a clear sign of being summoned.

he groaned, clicking his fingers before teleporting to the place of summoning.

When the Cipher opened his eyes to be met with the pines family he was most shocked.

shooting star, fez and sixer were all at a clearing in the woods, a summoning circle of sorts was drawn out with red paint, candles lit and a folder of photocopies from the journals was out.

Alcor immediately recognised the summoning circle as Bill's.

"are you seriously trying to summon a deceased demon? thats plane rude." Alcor's arms crossed, his being floated a couple inches off the ground, his wings fluttering every so often.

"and who on earth are you?" Fez asked, pointing his weird magnetic gun at the demon.

"do you know nothing of manners. introduce yourself first, fez" Dipper's teeth ground together in frustration and held back anger. faking naivety was hard, and being a demon meant holding his anger was impossible.

"you already know us, not like you'd use our names anyway." Stanley stood by his brother in his normal attire, his hat hiding his head of grey per usual, knocking off the top of his glasses.

"I am Alcor, Alcor cipher, brother to Bill Cipher. now why were you summoning Bill?" Alcor could feel himself go orangish at the mention of his brother. wether or not he had previously associated him positively as a human, as a demon he was emotionally attached to his elder, as if they were actually brothers.

"we want to know who killed my brother!" Mabel shouted, a tear rolling down her cheek.

Alcor went a shade of blue as he saw his sister cry... such irresponsible great uncles for letting her be here.

"I'll tell you who killed your bother and in return I want something... I'll work out the details later." Alcor held out a blue, fiery hand waiting for someone to shake it.

"fine" Mabel shook his hand, him helping her up in the process.

"fallaciosus" Alcor rubbed his chin, thinking to himself.

"pardon?" Stanford asked.

"fallaciosus. that is your answer. now, I must be going, I have Nightmares to attend to." Alcor turned on his heel, walking over to the edge of the forest and vanishing into the dark world below the trees.

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now