chapter 6; last hour

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-

part 2, chapter 6; last hour

(A/N: Updating at 2AM because I can)


Alcor appeared in front of a small crowd of golden hooded figures, two young children standing out in the crowd.

The demon was still in his demonic form, the median between human and demon. he was floating above his own summoning circle, how they knew it he had no clue. he smirked, eyeing the characters and instantly knowing everything about them through his omniscient nature.

"whats you're proposal for me?" Alcor challenged.

"soon, you'll get your deal. first we need to make sure you're worthy of being our deity" A man spoke, his robes shining brighter than the rest, made with fine silks and golden threads.

"aww, I'm flattered, really, but what'd you want me to do? turn water to wine or walk on water, either are within my skill range" Alcor cockily exclaimed, pretending to be flattered.

suddenly someone threw salt at him, he stumbled back hissing, the ground, funny enough, layered in a salty sediment, causing him to shriek as someone came from behind him and attached a collar around his neck, causing him to feel dizzy and suffocated.

the same person kicked him in the side, leaving him a coughing mess on the floor, wings opened slightly in a threatening position, though stiff due to the pain and fear that seemed to override his emotions.

"what the f*ck?!" Alcor hissed out, wobbling to his feet and finding himself unable to hold a strong stance, nor fly.

"we want you to choose between your past or your future- your biological sister or your spiritual brother and creator." the man spat, shoving the demon forward towards the two kids being held tight by a guard, one kid in each of his bear-like hands.

the guard shoves the kids towards the demon, both falling over each other.

"m-mable? W-William?"Alcor shrieked, attempting to walk towards the two to help them up before receiving an electric shock by the damn collar, made by blessed iron and a jew probably stolen from a holy item imbedded at the front, glowing gold.

Alcor sibilated a curse, spinning around to be greeted by the leader holding a small circular disk, thumb hovering over a crystal identical to that of the collar.

"bro-bro? why are we here?" Mabel questioned, sitting up and holding a shivering William, "and what do they mean by brother?"

"Shooting-star... have you not put two and two together yet?" Alcor asked, sighing in exasperation, "William is Bill, the demon who passed on the whole 'cipher curse' to me and ended up as a amnesiac human, not remembering anything passed the day he left his family as a demon."

Mabel yelped, pushing herself half a meter away from William and standing up, arms held to her chest in alarm.

"y-you're Bill?!" Mabel whined, eyes teary in distress.

"No! My name is William! I'm ten years old, have a twin called Will and I'm the exorcists son! my father was killed by a demon, and I killed it back! then I wake up in the middle of the forest..." Bill whimpered, tears felling from his pale yellowish brown eye,

"look, see, this was a wound I got from it! see! I'm not crazy!" William begged, ripping off the bandage to show off a bloody eye-socket.

"Our patience is running short Cipher. kill one of them or we will kill both of them." one of the cult membered warned, crossing his arms in impatience and tapping his foot. wow, sassy son of a-

"just kill me. its obvious you have a bad past with whatever happened prior to this... just kill me, I don't belong here" Bill sighed.

"no... I can't kid. I made a deal with you to show you home. I can't break a deal" Alcor whined, mabel standing with her head down in shame. she felt guilty she couldn't put herself forward but she knew she deserved better than the ex-demon... but then again- no. she was determined to live to see the day Alcor returned to being human.

Alcor grinned, an idea planning in his head suddenly.

"help here" Alcor growled, pointing to his neck.

"excuse me?" the cult leader spat, hand held to chest in offence.

"you want me to kill her, don't ya? so, what I need right now, is my powers to kill her. so, wadda ya say?" Alcor questioned.

the cultists shared conflicted glances with one another, one stepping forward to shove a key in the back of the weird trinket and taking it off.

all of a sudden the room became a couple shades darker, one of the only things you could see were two red eyes and a hand lit with golden flames.


Within alcor's mind was a town- well... there was only 3 buildings left which were still standing, serving their prepose untouched. those three buildings were a building of sins, holding back characteristics of evil and desire, the second a church of hopes and regrets and a building of memories. all were standing, all looked fine and intact, all but the memory library were plagued with some kind of colourless virus.

Suddenly one of the church fell to pieces, in turn disappearing off the edge of the land and falling to unknown abyss, the other building suddenly burst open, a dark aura flowing out, much like a dark mist with the haze of what seemed to be eyes, floating around and enveloping the island.

below ground, down a secret passageway provided by entering the correct memory in the library was a vault-like room. within was a glowing orb, a bring mixture of blue and red.

all os a sudden the orb seemed to flicker, the darkness seeping into the room and when it reached the orb, it swallowed it whole, leaving nothing.

the entire dreamscape collapsed, everything seemed to smash to dust, the landscape and remaining buildings caught light, soon falling to the void in the form of dust. all left the clock, floating... the arm struck its last hour and stopped... And it fell... It was gone... forever.

he had died- or at least his humanity had.

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now