chapter 5; The Verge of Desolation

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-

part 2, chapter 5; The Verge of Desolation


Alcor stood in his host's dreamscape, of which was the circus that surrounded the mirror maze he had visited prior.

he sat at a seating stand, observing the people who walked by, all of which were people William himself had encountered and remembered from random places.

honestly, he wondered how William was not awake yet. he peered over to a clock that was positioned at the top of a tall tower, ticking much faster than your own judgment of time would be.

'7pm' it read. thats about 21 hours sleep- something had to be very wrong.

He stood, weaving through the crowd, towards the entrance of the circus, walking out and disappearing in a colourful burst of smoke.

he reappeared outside his vessel, looking down at William expectantly, prodding his sides, earning a low chuckle from the absent-minded youngster.

The human stirred slightly, his eye rolling in its socket, his hand sifting through his hair as the boy suppressed the volume of his lion-like yawn.

his back arched, shoulders rotating in an attempt to hide himself in the white bedsheets.

"William" Alcor bluntly complained, shoving his fingers to the boys neck and feeling his pulse, the boy yelping and sitting up, leaning against the bed's frame.

"intoxicated... when was the last time you ate?" Alcor asked, talking to himself, "f*ck. I knew not to trust some stupid stan-cakes."

"where am I?" William questioned, pulling Alcor back to reality.

"double f*ck." Alcor cursed, observing the room. Alcor was floating in his human-inspired demon form, his black wings and golden/black eyes showing. they were in what seemed to be a room made of rock, its floor covered in hay and the only furniture in the room was the hospital bed and a bucket in substitution for a toilet. the bed sheets looked tough and uncomfortable, somehow sustaining a bleached white colour. The bed's frame was painted white, though scratched at the bed posts- showing both the raw material and the fact the bed had been used beforehand to restrain a violent or mentally-unstable patient.

A man walked in, dressed in golden robes, two black wings printed on the sides and an eye sewn into the hood.

"William Pines" she man growled, pulling the boy up from his bed, one hand on his forearm and the other rested on his shoulder. Alcor followed, being invisible to all but William.

'what are they doing? where are they taking me?' Williams thoughts seemed to scream, so loud in fact that Alcor could hear them.

"calm down, bud, their not gonna hurt you." Alcor groaned, following them down the hall before stopping in a small throne room like place, a huge cipher wheel printed into a large tapestry that covered the walls.

"what is this place?" Alcor wondered aloud, about to follow them through the doorway before he was repelled, finding himself unable to cross the doorway, "Demon protection, huh? what kind of cult protects themselves from demons? isn't that like an oxymoron?"

Alcor groaned once more, deciding to leave the boy to his own fait and leaving to the mystery shack. what can he say? he's a cold hearted demon!

he scouted out the place, deciding to waste his time down with ol' six fingers and teleported down to torment the poor scientist.


after being the biggest pain in the @$$ he could possible be to Ford, he made his way to his dwindling mindscape, looking to see most of his little human mindscape was destroyed and in monotone colours, cracks decorating the floors and buildings on the verge of desolation.

He skipped around, not sure wether to find his vanishing sanity a concern or a pleasure, bathing in the chaos of which seemed to layer the otherwise depressing atmosphere.

after an hour of pointless celebration, he found himself sitting at the top of a clocktower- a feature every mindscape has for practical reasons.

below him was the Tardis-like building of a library, and his view stretched out to the immediate forest and mountains that abruptly grew miles high passed a bottomless moat that surrounded his mind, acting as a barrier... obviously since he was a demon there was a bridge serving as a metaphorical 'outside the box' kind of purpose, the door he uses to exit past that.

he could very visibly see the way the town crumbled down the shrinking edges of the moat, swallowing all his enjoyment and morals with it till all that is left is his memories and desires, greeds, lusts, pride and whatever little sin you could salvage from this generally innocent past-life.

on a more personal scale Alcor could feel his personality dwindling, his passion and regret and whatever else made him, him, was being stripped away till all that was left was the very minimum for freewill to prevail. In all honesty Alcor feared it- he was genuinely scared... but unlike most battles, this isn't one you can fight with fire, not one you can actually win, so technically he wasn't fighting a losing battle, he was surrendering to one. he was a prisoner waiting for his enemy to finally flip the switch so he'd stop feeling so much damn despair. it was painful- waisting your time dancing and pestering people you knew you used to value over yourself when you wanted to feel that love again and you needed their help but didn't want to reach out to them to shatter what little memory they have of the old you.

it was agonising and Alcor couldn't wait till he was enveloped in a new sense of evil- he could wait till he became so evil he could feel other's.

he could wait to... die.

but like all dreams, you wake up abruptly to a pain in your head saying you're being summoned to do some ungodly survive for greedy people who want you to do their bidding.

in the middle of thinking so deeply about his own existence, he was being summoned.

...what a pain...

...good thing it'll be over sooner rather than later.


(A/N: *big gasp* wonder where he's being summoned! wonder when he'll run out of time! wonder whats happening on Williams end of the story! WONDER, WONDER, WONDER! ah well, find out soon in the next chapter... or maybe you'll be able to trick it out of me in the moment section! who knows!)

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now