chpeter 2; memories and ways out

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-Alcor Dipper Cipher-

part 1, chapter 2; memories and ways out


Dipper suddenly awoke, the absence of pain was the first thing he noticed. hell, he couldn't even feel at all.

Dippers eyes opened in panic, trying to twist his body to look around himself to find himself unable to gather his bearings.

he was floating in what seemed to be a void.

this feeling of lightness and absence of gravity... it felt like... but it couldn't be. the last time he had ever felt like this was the last time he was in his own dreamscape, and only his own. he had previously presumed that its like shortening the connection between the body and mind causing more mental and physical freedom.

now he didn't welcome the feeling as much, he despised it. he felt like he was floating without baring, not the type of 'free feeling' he had once experienced.

he suddenly felt a bit panicked. if this was his minds cape... where were his memories?

just as these thoughts passed through him, he appeared in front of a house.

He looked around, checking he was alone, and walked forward, opening the gait of the moderate mansion.

along the top of the door was a golden plate engraved with the initials 'a.c.' in a rusty font, as if whoever's initials they were were not prideful of them.

he opened the oak door to be met with the hollow insides of the building. it seemed to be a library of sorts. the only problem was in the library was there were no books.

he walked around, marvelling with the complicated structure and wondering who owned it. He found a small table in the back surrounded by beanbags and books stacked high in their shelves.

what on earth? why would there only be books in this childish looking corner?

he walked forwards and picked a book at random.

It projected memories of mabel over the summer and its outwards appearance was that of mabel scrap book.

he picked up another to make sure these were memories, after all he had only delved into his great uncles mind and not his own.

he caught sight of a journal looking book. written on the hand was '1, 2 and 3'. strange. he opened it up and flicked through the pages seeing every memory from the summer. every singe one crammed in.

he replayed the last scene of him 'dying' and slammed the book shut in confusion and frustration.

he slotted the book back in the shelf in order and walked off, stopping abruptly once he noticed something on one of the not-so-childish looking shelves.

there on the shelf was a red book, a triangle engraved on another gold plate. he picked up the hardback flicking to the first page in shock.

'property of bill cipher. if you have obtained this book, you have successfully murdered me. if a demon is killed with a rank such as my own, a human will step up in its place. that human will then be trapped in his or her mind till they have the ability to fulfil the role and will be thrown back into the timeline they had left off. as much as I hate the idea of someone possessing this book, it is for the best. search through this book on instructions on how to be a demon and fulfil my role.' after that message the video seemed to become distorted as bill seemed to 'loose his cool' and went red, throwing things around.

Dipper flipped the pages through to from the start till end only seeing snippets of whats in each page of the colossal book. when he reached the end there was a loose piece of paper folded in on the back.

Dipper took it out and read it out load, this one being a note and not a recorded memory.

"dear Alcor Cipher. I know you killed me you little sh*t." Dipper giggled at bill immaturity.

and so dipper did what he did best. research. he taught himself, with the guidance of the book, every one of around 300 or so powers a demon possesses.


Dipper was pretty sure that according to his archive clocks he had been stuck in his own minds cape for about 2 or 3 years. honestly he hated the lack of company and even wished bill was there to strike up a conversation, even if it did end with immature bickering.

through the years of training, dipper had got over his grieving and had become more demonic in appearance and in attitude. one of his eyes had changed on his 10th power learnt, turning into a black based gold and the other eye turned jet black, turning blind. His hair turned blond after his 50th. he had aged significantly into what appeared to be an early twenty year old even though he was just 15 or even just 12 if he were to complete his training.

Dipper had sprouted wings at his 100th power and his ears and teeth had grown. after that his personality became poor and sick humoured. eventually he had learnt to open his third eye, becoming omniscient, killing his curious nature.

eventually he had come to his last and final skill. what was it? turning demon form.

"just imagine yourself as the first shape that pops in your head." was all bill explained.

Dipper groaned, pushing back his dirty blond locks to relieve stress, only achieving in knocking his top hat slightly.

he straightened up, dusting off his black star-decorated uniform.

think, Alcor, think... what about a star... just like shooting star!

almost instantly he could feel himself morphing, this time more of a comfortable feeling apposed to the shapeshifting he had experienced.

he looked himself down in the mirror, seeing himself as a gold star, completed with floating wings, top hat and arms and legs.

Alcor felt himself up, feeling strange comfort in his new shape, quickly morphing back after hearing a load noise come from a small locked up ceremonial hall he had tried to brake into before, only to see the door wide open.

Alcor stepped in timidly, seeing a key and a slip of card, he picked it up, seeing his summoning circle and incantation on the card whilst the key had a label noted 'way out'. way to put it bluntly.

he grinned, teleporting straight to a gateway he had noticed a few days after he had first come here. he could smell the fresh air through the portal behind it before he could even turn the key in its lock.

the last thing you could see was the tips of his black tailcoat as he flew head first back into the timeline.

Alcor Cipher - demon! dipper - paramountcy falls auWhere stories live. Discover now