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It was dark, and she started loosing air supplies.

Faye lifted one shoulder to try and loosen the rug-bag they placed over her head but to no veil. She started to hyperventilate. She never had a problem with closed spaces, but now she thought she might start to develop one.

As she was being dragged to wherever those men were taking her, Faye tried to move her foot along so she wouldn't fall. It was so ridiculous the way they grabbed her by each hand as if she was capable of running away, or harming anyone for that matter. She wasn't even struggling against their hold. She was only sixteen for crying out loud.

And she needed to be in wherever they were taking her. At least, she just hoped it was where she wanted to be.

She could hear a door opening, creaking on its hinges and she gulped.

This is it, she thought. This will be my end.

Suddenly she was pushed down by her shoulder with unnecessary forced to sit on some kind of a chair.

"Well, well." A man's voice echoed and Faye welled her heart to regain its regular pace.

Suddenly, the cover was yanked from her head and neon light scorched her eyes. She winced and shut her eyes quickly before slowly squinting them open as they adjusted to the light. A long figure started to focus in front of her.

The man chuckled darkly.

"It's not everyday you see a girl with your determination." He said.

She scowled up at him. He wasn't what she expected. She was told the leader was an old man. This one seemed in his late thirties, if not younger.

"I thought you'd be old." She hissed.

The man beamed at her, showing her a full set of white teeth. He imitated a shark. "Sorry to disappoint." He winked.

Her scowl deepened. "I am here to see the leader. The boss." She clarified.

"Oh." He said, dragging a chair and placing it in front of her before he sat on it, "well, boss is not available at the moment. I am the boss right now."

Faye swallowed slowly, trying to remember everything she wanted to say to him.

"You know why I am here." She started.

"I do?" He drawled, making himself comfortable on his chair.

Faye wanted to scratch the smirk off his face. "I am his daughter." She spat, "I am Nathanial's daughter. And I am here to pay his dept."

The man, who was a blonde six feet something, quirked a brow at her boldness.

"I want to make a deal. You are the Dealers, right?" she continued, using the name of this organization. When he continued to stare at her with blank expression, she continued. "I am tiered of running and I am prepared. I'll work for you, collect money however I can, and I'll keep paying you for the rest of my life if I have to. As long as you leave us alone."

The man cleared his throat and sat up straight.

"I normally wouldn't make deals with babies like yourself." He started and she kept her face impassive at his comment, "But for you to track us down and find us yourself means you're just desperate, and pretty talented, to be honest. But then, it probably runs in the family." He gave her his shark smile.

"What if I am desperate?" She shrugged, "I got nothing else to loose."

The man hummed before he leaned forward and captured her delicate chin between his fingers, tilting her face to the side as he examined her before a devious smirk formed on his face.

Tutor Chic  #2nd book of the Chic seriesWhere stories live. Discover now