10: A Loan, Once Again

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Hello people! how's life? do share the story and show me some love <3 Kisses & hugs...

now enjoy...

10: A Loan, Once Again

When the sun raised, Cain's room filled with light like never before. Faye must've left the curtains open the previous day when she was waiting for him.

Faye. That name again.

Cain broke his staring contest with the ratty brown bag that lay mockingly on top of the coffee table. Instead, he stared down at the dark empty bottle that stood next to the couch he was setting on.

Last night, guilt and hatred consumed him like a black blanket and he did everything he could to get rid of those emotions. He exhausted himself, punching the sandbag until he could no longer feel his arms. Then, when the pain was still squeezing his chest, he drank a whole bottle of Jack Daniels. The only thing that did was making him queasy, and when he finally spotted Faye's bag on his coffee table, all he felt was more guilt and pain.

This was such a drag.

His phone buzzed for the umpteenth time beside him. This must be Abby again, he thought, laying against the couch back and rubbing his eyes with the heels of his hands.

After his eventful parting with Faye last night, he didn't feel like meeting up with Ralphy. Actually, he wanted to go march into Ralphy's gang and meet his death then and there. Instead, he dragged himself home, and sulked inside the whole time.

Not wanting to have to meet Abby and her mob in front of his family's house, Cain dragged in a long breath and picked the vibrating phone before answering and pressing the device to his ear, shutting his eyes and waiting for the nasal rant to begin.

"I am going to kill you, Van. I swear I am going to drag your ass across the streets and feed you to my dogs, you son of a bitch."

"Good morning to you too, boss." Cain said, his voice slurry and husky.

"Don't you dare be fucking sarcastic you fucking ass." She yelled back. He could envision one of her veins popping on her forehead. "You had shit to do yesterday. All you did was ditch Radi and go do nothing! Nothing?"

Cain sat up, running his fingers through his disheveled hair. "I was busy." He pinched the ridge of his nose, trying to get ahold of the headache.

Abby scoffed incredulously, "Oh, please Van, do tell me what were you so busy doing? I am dying here to know." Sarcasm was dripping from her furious tone and Cain felt like giving his sandbag another go.

He didn't know what excuses he could hide behind this time since there were absolutely none.

"Van, I swear I am this close to..." Abby started again but Cain found himself blurting, "I was studying." Without really thinking.

A short silence stretched out and Cain swallowed. Was that a lame excuse?

"You fucking with me, boy?" Abby drawled, her tone dropping down to a dangerous level.

"I failed a subject, I have to redo the test tomorrow. So, no, Abby. I am not fucking with you."

Another silence fell between them before he chuckled, "You damn well want me to get my act together, education wise. I won't be the family successor if I didn't get my degree. You don't want that to be the case, now, do you, boss?" Cain spat. He knew Abby wanted him to get ahold of his family's wealth and she damn well knew he couldn't do it without getting his bachelor degree. It was the reason he never wanted to graduate. Or be the family's next successor for that matter.

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