21: Meet the sister-in-law

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Promised you a chap, didn't I!

have fun reading it.

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21: meet the sister in law

"Oh, Cain." Mia Whined, pulling away slightly before slapping Cain's chest admonishingly. "Why won't you come and welcome me?" Mia pouted adorably and through the whole ordeal,  Faye didn't think her eyes could get any wider as she watched Cain chuckle at Mia's little outburst.

"I am sorry..."


"...But I was studying."

Like that would stop him! Faye screamed inwardly.

Mia tilted her tiny chin up, narrowing her normally large eyes at him suspiciously.

"You're a baaaad liar, Cain." She told him, flicking his nose as she did, and when Faye thought he would growl in annoyance, Cain actually laughed at Mia's action.

What was happening to the world?

Suddenly, the front door flung open again, revealing Callum.

"Mia!" He said slowly, "How did you disappear so fast?" he gave her mock disapproving eyes before he cracked a smile.

She hopped up from the floor, dancing her way towards him and wrapping her arm around his neck adoringly before she said, "don't you know," she picked his lips quickly and lowered her voice, "I have super powers."

That earned her a full smile from Callum.

It was obvious the man adored his fiancée, which was understandable.

What was a shocker though, was Cain's reaction. It made something ugly stir inside Faye.

She was still gawking from one face to the other. Did she travel to another parallel universe or something?

Cain's face went back to being impassive as he picked up the papers that were on the floor due to Mia's earlier attack.

"Cain, get your ass up and come join us." Mia suddenly turned back, Callum's arm still wrapped around her waist. "Faye too!" she tilted her head in a pleading gesture.

"Sorry Mia, but I don't think..." Faye started but Mia cut her off.

"Pleeeeeeease." She pleaded dramatically, effectively crushing Faye's jealousy and making her laugh.

She softly shook her head, "I can't. I actually have to go somewhere." She looked down at her watch, "Whoa, look at that. I'm already done anyways."

"Oh." Mia pouted, "It'd really make me happy if you joined us."

Faye smiled at the girl's sincerity. "I'd love to, Mia. But I really must go."

"Kay." Mia beamed, her face lightening up again, "But you owe me one. I'll Call Mandy and we can all go out."

Well, she worked fast.

"Sure." Faye nodded. "That'll be nice."

"Oh, that reminds me!" Mia suddenly straightened up, releasing herself gracefully from Callum's arm as she turned fully to face them once more. "I have a gift for you." She sang, a smile stretching on her face again.

"Really?" Cain said, crooking a brow amusingly.

"Ahha." She beamed for a second before her face dropped and she turned around as if looking for something. Faye glanced at Cain and watched his amused expression grow as he watched Mia acting like a cute child.

Tutor Chic  #2nd book of the Chic seriesWhere stories live. Discover now