7: Reality

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7: Reality

Faye was standing in front of Cain's door for what seemed like hours. She moved her hand to start knocking on the door, but only rubbed a dusty spot on it instead.

Sighing loudly, she started to think of all the pros of this job.

She'd have enough money for her debt this month and everything else, including her rent, her car, her food and most importantly, she could have extra for saving.

Her savings were the most important of all.

The only con was: Cain was her client.

"Come on, you can do this." She prepped her self, straightening her spine and clearing her throat for no reason before knocking on the door quickly.

No one answered.

Of course, no one answered! She rolled her eyes. He was loud and clear the previous day of not wanting her back.

Yet, here she was, all but begging in front of his doors. Actually, she was a few seconds away from begging him.

Maybe if she got on her knees...

The door snapped open, revealing a very furious, very disheveled Cain Van.

Faye gasped loudly and jumped back.

It wasn't that she never saw him right-out-of-bed before, it was the fact that he looked like a total wreck that made her spine cower at the sight of him.

He had dark circles under his eyes, yes he had them before, but where they were mysteriously charming before, now they were just two orbs of evil. His hair was everywhere, and Faye noticed he had the same outfit from last night on, which only meant he hadn't changed out of it from the look of it.

"G... good morning." She decided to break the ice. Or... the iron.

He looked down over her, his eyes dark and furious. She thought she would burst in flames just from his stare.

"How much?" he said, his eyes still on hers as he pulled a wallet from his dark jeans.

"Wh... what are you doing?" Faye looked from his wallet to his face again.

"How much did she offer you? A thousand? Two? Ten?" he ripped money out of the wallet. Greens were showing up in front of her, but instead of getting thrilled, she felt sick and nauseated.

"No!" she grimaced, "You can't be serious! I am not taking that." She pointed at the money as if it was a big pile of shit.

"No?" Cain breathed, "I am offering you to get rid of me and you say no?"

"I... well, I can't." Faye stuttered.

"Stop the moral charade, will ya?" Cain snapped, throwing the money at her.

Faye felt as if she was slapped.

"That's... that's not nice." It was stupid, but she had to say it.

"Nice? NICE?" Cain snapped before he barked a menacing laugh, "You think I am nice?"

"I think you could be nice. Yes." She folded her arms in front of her defiantly. "Actually I think this whole bad boy thing is an act. I can't understand the reason, but you are definitely on a role here." She raised an eyebrow.

"Oh," Cain seemed to relax a bit as he regarded her, "You got me all figured out now, have you?"

Faye scowled, "Actually, no. Because you don't allow anyone to 'figure you out', do you? You're just afraid of what others might find hiding underneath all that angry boy façade, I just hope for your sake you'd realize no one gives a fuck." After the little rant, Faye gasped. She hated cursing in front of people. No, it wasn't because she was so clean and pure, but because it'd interfere with her clean and pure façade.

Tutor Chic  #2nd book of the Chic seriesWhere stories live. Discover now