15: Truce

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Hold your guns people! I KNOW I AM LATE! and it's not because the chap wasn't ready. Juts time management issues.


this one is LONG! Kind of on the low action side. I really hope you like it.

ignore any typos, I have not BULLET-proofed it yet... again, its a time management thing


15: Truce

"Wow, you're actually attending classes!"

Cain turned around only to see Callum smirking at him. He kept his expression blank before he turned back and resumed walking.

"Hey," apparently Callum wasn't finished, and Cain felt him walking behind him, "Wait."

"What is it, kid?" Cain grumbled, rubbing his eyes with his finger. Yes, he was attending classes, must be a big shocker for Callum. But in all honesty, he didn't give a shit about classes. He came for a whole different reason.

"I just wanted to tell you that I am glad you are finally making an effort." Callum said, no hint of sarcasm in his statement for the first time.

Cain nodded before he turned again.

"If you want," Callum called, and Cain rolled his eyes back, dreading this conversation, "I could help you out. If you want." He said again.

At that Cain turned his head to look at his brother, a mocking smirk forming on his face, "Thanks, kid. But I got a good tutor for that." Cain said mockingly to Callum, watching as his face started crumble.

"Faye didn't agree." Callum frowned, his mood turning to a whole different direction than where it was only moments ago. "Mom told me."

Cain only chuckled and walked away before he said without turning back, "you stay mommy's little boy, kiddo, and you'll do just fine." He laughed because he could practically feel Callum's eyes burning holes into his back.

Once he was far by a good distance, his scornful expression fell, and another replaced it. Yes, he planed on convincing her to come back to him, even though he knew one hundred percent it was wrong and very selfish on his part. But the previous night events made it clear for him that Faye was a horrible itch that won't go away any time soon, and even though he did not want to admit it, he had to.

He needed her. His fading sanity needed her.

Ever since Faye appeared in is life, he started feeling things. He actually felt good sometimes. What more was, she intrigued him. He wanted to know everything about her; it was funny how difficult it was for him not to ask her about the van that took her that late at night. If it was anyone else, he wouldn't give two shits about what was happening to them, but with Faye, all he wanted was to pry into her privacy, because even if her friend assured him, her story was too stupid to be true.

He found himself standing in front of his third class of the day. This was one of the subjects he previously failed. But that wasn't the interesting part.

Faye had this class as well. He looked it up.

So he stalked on her information a bit. Big deal!

Cain shook his head to wipe her picture out of it as he entered the classroom. He couldn't help but wonder if she'd be there.

Once he took his seat at the very back of the auditorium, the side door burst open and in came a very unpleasant Callum. He spotted him and scowled before taking a seat closer to the front.

Tutor Chic  #2nd book of the Chic seriesWhere stories live. Discover now