18: Dark Places

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Didn't revise this for typos, so don't go and leave me corrections... sadly it doesn't help. now if there was an option to directly correct the actual draft, well, wouldn't that make everyone happy XD

Vote and comment lovelies <3 *Smooches*


The Chemistry building was the oldest in this university. Behind it was an old bathroom stale that no one used anymore; and apparently no one cleaned as well.

The ground was covered with untamed grass and old dusty brown leaves. The trees that grew wildly in this area allowed almost no sunlight to enter, so the whole area was fairly dark.

It was the perfect set up.

"Er... Hello." A shaky voice interrupted the silent darkness. It was already three thirty and if Cain didn't need this deal, he'd have left a long while ago.

"You're late." He bit out; making sure the hoodie he was wearing covered his face well.

Chris, the squirmy skinny doffus, flinched. He was a freshman; probably using whatever Cain sold him for studying and keeping his grades high. Some kids used it to party, but who was Cain to judge.

After all, he was the asshole who made it available for them.

"I... sorry." Chris trembled.

"The money." Cain said in a low voice, causing the kid to shiver more.

"Yes. R... right. Here." Christopher handed him the wad of money and Cain grabbed it with his gloved hand. He eyed the cash quickly to make sure it was the right amount before he threw the kid a small paper bag.

"Tha... thank you." Chris whispered, not even bothering to look down the bag and walked away.

"Don't thank me." Cain muttered darkly under his breath, breathing out in frustration. He hated doing this, but he had too. He never wanted to meet the 'consequences', as Abby so sweetly put it.

He waited a few minutes, making sure the kid was far enough before he got out from another exit so no one would suspect him. Once he was in front of the old building, he started walking down the path to the parking lot, wanting to leave as fast as he could before anyone can spot him.

But then...


A voice he was so upset for not hearing any of it the day before called.


He kept walking, quickening his steps in attempt to ignore her, but a small hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder, "wait."

Cain yanked his shoulder away from her grip as he wired around to face her. Faye stood there, her heir pulled up in a large red bun, her green sweater hugging her upper body deliciously as she stared at him.

"It is you!" she beamed at him before frowning when her eyes lowered, "are you cold?"

He scowled at her question before looking down at his gloved hands. When he didn't answer, she tilted her head, "What with the get up." She chuckled, stepping closer and rising on her tiptoes. "There." She flicked the top of the hoodie, forcing it to fall back and revealing his head. "That's better!" she smiled.

Cain was silently panicking. She wasn't supposed to be here. She wasn't supposed to be seen with him. Not here and not now.

"I've got to go." Was the only thing that came out of his mouth as he pulled the hoodie back up and turned to leave, not missing her sudden step back and the spark of hurt that crossed her blue eyes for less than a second.

Tutor Chic  #2nd book of the Chic seriesWhere stories live. Discover now