Chapter 1- Why?

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It's the day after my birthday today and I woke feeling good for once. Well, at least I was felling good until I heard my mum screaming.

Now my mum does growl my little brother when she gets mad but this was different. It sounded like she was screaming in pain and not in frustration so I did the only thing I could think of at that moment.

I jolted up in bed and sprinted down stairs to see if she was okay. When I reached the lounge room where her screams were coming from and I could see her throwing anything she could find at my dad. My dad's back was towards me and I could see tears streaming from my mums eyes. "What the hell is going on!?" I raised my voice at the two of them.

At this point my mum was on the ground holding her chest so I ran up to her side to comfort her. And when nobody answered me I yelled even louder "what did you do to her!?"

My dad looked down in shame so I looked to my mum for help instead. "Mum, what happened?" I said in a calm gentle voice.

She looked at me and all of a sudden anger filled in her eyes, "you want to know what he did to me?" she snarled through her teeth as she stood back up. "HE CHEATED ON ME!!" She screamed again starting to throw anything she could get her hands on.

I can't believe it! Why would he do that? "You bastered," I muttered under my breathe as tears started prickling my eyes. I stood up from where I was kneeling next to my mum earlier and walked straight up to my dad and slapped him right across the face. "

"That's for what you did!" I screamed then I pushed him back so he fell on the floor. "And that's for being the worst father ever!" I screamed even louder then before, and then proceeding to kick right where it hurts. "And that's for everything else you've ever done!" I said a little more calm, and yes that's right, I just kicked him straight in the balls! And I tell you now it felt good!
By now my mum had calmed down a lot to. She was staring at the floor and I knew what was about to happen.

See my mum and I had kind of guessed my dad would do this one day. And because my mum worked as an air hostess, she was away from home a lot. Which was the perfect opportunity for my dad to cheat on my her. So we had put together a plan if it did ever happen, and well, it obviously just has.

I then looked at my mum, she then looked up and our gazes met. I looked straight into her now red puffy eyes and gave a sad sympathetic smile. She then looked at my dad who was on the floor holding his balls in pain and simply said, "we are leaving tomorrow."

I then ran upstairs and woke up my 2 little siblings, first my youngest one, Sam. Then Gabby, the second oldest. I was the oldest sibling at age 14, then Gabby at age 11, and then Sam at age 5.

When I woke up Sam he was kind of confused but that's okay, he's only 5 so he's allowed to be confused. I took down his suitcase from the top of his cupboard and told him to pack as much stuff as he could. And being the good boy he is he just did it without questioning me.

Then I moved to Gabby's room and shook her awake. When she woke up I explained to her what was happening and she started packing as soon as possible. At this point I could still hear mum and dad fighting down stairs so I made sure that Gabby and Sam stayed upstairs and not but into it.

I then walked into my room which was right across from Gabby's and started chucking anything I could into the biggest suitcase I had. I threw in clothes, make up, shoes, hair products, I swear literally half of my room was packed into that suitcase. I knew mum would want to leave as soon as we could so once I thought I had packed all I need I the decided to do mums suitcase.
I walked into her room, frantically throwing clothes into the suitcase when I heard a voice from the door, "I'm scared Ranee." I whipped around to see Sam standing in the door way, and I could see why he was scared. My parents were still yelling downstairs.

I walked up to him and gave him a tight hug, "it's going to be okay," I tell him.
But then I think to my myself 'do I really know if it's going to be okay?' I've never been in this situation before, who am I to say everything is gonna be fine?

(AN:/ hey I know this chapter kind of sucked but I'm still kind of new to all this stuff. If you have any pointers fell free to leave them in the comments. Thanks for reading,
Jasmine xx)

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