Chapter 10 - Caught.

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(AN/ omg guys, my book is at 500 reads!!!! I know a lot of books have a lot more than that but for me, that's a lot. Thank you so much you guys are legit the best!! With the video, it's just the performance, so don't worry about anything else. Ranee is the one in the black and the one in the flower jacket's part and Jordan is the one in the white long sleeve shirt and the one in the blue shirt's part.
Jasmine xx)

Ranee's p.o.v
We arrived at the X-factor car park and I saw Leanne's car.
"Crap, they're still here!" I said in annoyance.
"Well, hopefully we don't run into them," Jordan replied.
We went to a table and they gave us our number and told us when we'll be on. We then walked into a room, a waiting room or something.
About an hour later after that, we were still in the clear, no sign of any of the boys. A crew worker walked into the room.
"Ok, so when your name or groups name is called, I need you to walk down that hall way, with your family or friends, you will be direct from there," he said.
"Guys, put your hoodies on, just in case they are here," Jordan whispered.
Gabby and I both did what she said.
"Hayley Vincent, Wild Ones," oh, that's is. Wait, WE'RE SECOND!!! We all got up and quickly walked to where we need to go, with our backs turned to everyone.
The crew guy continued, "In Stereo."
Oh no, oh no, oh no. Just when I thought we were in the clear.
I quickly looked around and saw them coming our way. I then jolted my head back around because they were coming closer.
"Ok, so the first 2 acts I need you to go in this room down here," another crew member said, a lady this time.
The girl in front of us started walking into the room, we followed.
She did her act and got 4 no's, god I hope we don't get any no's.
Gabby waited back stage, watching us from some television thing, while Jordan and I went to the edge of the stage. I could see the judges and all of the people, and I got really nervous.
"Ok, you're on in 3.2.1," a female crewman said.
Jordan and I ran onto the stage the X in the centre of the stage.
"Hi, so who are you guys and why have you come and auditioned today," Dani asked.
"We are wild ones," Jordan said.
"And we auditioned today, because we want to sing and make people happy," I continued.
"Ok, cool, what song will you be singing?" James Blunt asked.
"Bang bang by Jesse J," Jordan said, nerves starting to become clear in her voice.
"Ok, good luck," Guy said.
Jordan and I got into our places,  because we also had a dance to it as well.
(Watch the video, I think that they are amazing.)
Oh my god, that was the best feeling ever, everyone was standing up and clapping for us.
"Wow, you've just blown the roof off," Dani said excitedly.
"Holy moly girls, you are defiantly wild ones, that was flipping crazy, and you girls are only 14?" Guy asked.
"Thanks, and yes, I actually turned 14 a few days ago," I said, still in awe.
"Well I think that, that act, could quite possibly be a winning act!!" James said.
"I think we all know the answer we are about to give you," Chris Izakk said.
"It's a yes from me," Dani said.
"A big fat giant yes!" Chris said.
"1 million % yes!" James said.
"That's four yes's, you're through to the next round!!!" Guy said.
Everyone cheered and Jordan and I hugged, I was so happy, excited and any other good word out there.
"Thank you so much," Jordan and I said in unison as we walked off stage.
We walked back towards where Gabby was and she ran up to us and gave us a hug.
When we finished hugging, I was startled by an all too familiar voice.
"You guys did amazing," I turned around and saw Jakob, smiling like an idiot.....

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