Chapter 3 - Have you seen their son?

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"Attention all passengers, please ensure you have your carry on luggage before you leave the plane. Thank you." the loud speaker on the plane stated. We had landed in Sydney and it was a pretty smooth flight. Sam was very excited the whole time because he has never been on a plane before. Gabby spent the hour long flight doing her makeup, not that she needed it. Mum was on her laptop doing work, and I was daydreaming the whole flight.

Daydreaming... I do that a lot. And when I say a lot, I mean I do it pretty much all the time. Any way, I was super excited to meet the people we'll be living with for the next, I don't know how long. They were us us, seeing our car is being shipped down and probably won't be here for another month. "So, mum, where are we meeting them?" I asked curiously. "Oh, they're meeting us at the baggage claim," she replied with a smile.

As we made our way down to baggage claim, Sam held onto my hand, and Gabby was doing her hair in a kind of braided style. So I decided to ask her, "Why are you doing yourself up all fancy, We aren't going anywhere?"

"Well, I want to make a good impression on their son. Ya know?" she said wiggling her eyebrows. Mum turned around and gave her that 'are you serious, your dad just cheated on me and your worried about a boy' look.

Just as I was about to say something, Sam beat me to it. "Girl he's too old for you" he said in a sassy voice. Now all eyes were on him and Mum, Gabby and I started laughing so hard, while Sam just gave us that 'wtf, that wasn't mean to be funny' look.

"Lee, over here!" I heard a woman's voice say. I scanned the crowd and saw a woman jumping up and down, "Leanne" my mum squealed. They ran up to each others arms, just like 2 teenage girls who haven't seen each other in a week. Gabby, Sam and I walked up to the 2 women, who I now guess is Leanne, was a really cute guy. He had olive skin, chocolate brown hair and gorgeous deep brown eyes.  On the deep brown eyes, wait, Ranee stop you're staring.

I snapped my head towards mum, whispering "We can't live with them."

"Oh yeah and why is that?" she asked.

"Have you seen their son?" I whisper yell. Everyone looked at me and started laughing,while the cute guy and I blushed. Leanne said "Hi it's nice to met you I'm Leanne and this is my husband Leo," Leo held out his hand for me to shake, which I gladly accepted, "And this is my daughter Mikailia and my son Jakob." I immediately look at Jakob and lock gazes with him.

"Hi, I'm Jakob." he said

"Yeah I  know, and hi, I'm Ranee" I confirmed. " Hi Jakob, I'm Gabby!" interrupted in a kind of high pitched voice. Jakob smiled at her and I felt kind of upset. I just walked over to the escalator disappointed. I don't know why I felt disappointed but I did. How could I have  thought I had a chance with him. I mean Gabby Is a tall, skinny, blue eyed brunette and I'm an average height, average sized, bluey-green eyed blonde. And anyway I have a boyfriend. Wait, boyfriend, friends, I still haven't told then. I left.

(AN:/ Hey guys, again thanks for reading. also a few people were asking me if this was set before or after they were on Factor. And its set before. Just letting you all know.

Jasmine xx)

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