Chapter 18 - Wake up.

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Ranee's p.o.v
I rolled over to check the time... 6 am... slipped out of bed and walked towards my bedroom door. As I pushed it open, it creaked a little and a sudden groan erupted from Jakob's mouth. I immediately stopped in my tracks and waited until I knew he was back asleep.

After a short moment, I allowed myself to proceed. I tiptoed down the hallway and down the steps, making my way to the back patio. I walked out onto the patio and allowed the summer morning sun to hit me and fill me with that warm feeling that I love. I just stood there, with my arms resting on the railings until I had properly woken up. Only a few moments past before I heard the back door opening.

It was Jakob. He was wearing sweatpants but no shirt, which I defiantly wasn't complaining. He walked towards me and I smiled sleepily.
"Morning," he said, rubbing his eyes.

"Morning," I replied, standing up straight and allowing his arms to circle around me and engulf me in a hug.

I don't know how to feel. Honestly. I am still in love with him. But he really did hurt me. Maybe, I will give him a chance. Because, I do love him. And if you love something, you hold onto it right?

"I'm sorry," he simply said out of the blue.

I stayed quiet for a moment.
"You are stupid," I started, "but I forgive you."

He untangled himself from the hug, and ever so lightly and delicately kissed my lips. We just looked at eachother, and suddenly, my vision started going blurry. What the hell is happening. I stepped back and looked towards Jakob. I could see that I was still standing with him, but I'm not. It's like I'm watching myself with him. I scream his name. Loud. But he didn't even flinch.

I started to panic, and walked up towards him, my vision getting blurrier by the second. I shook Jakob, as hard as I could. But I couldn't even grab a hold of him.

White, that's all I can see now. Nothing but white. And then, a light. Coming into vision. The blurs are gone. It's a ceiling light. What is happening?

I look to my left and see that I am surrounded by hospital staff. What is this, I don't understand.

"Hello Miss Walters, welcome back," a young female nurse said.

"Where am I?" I asked, dazed and confused.

"You are in the hospital, you were in a coma," the doctor on the other side of my bed answered.

"What do you mean?" I don't understand, this isn't real.

"You are in the Sydney Hospital," the nurse said. (I don't know if this is a hospital in Sydney, just roll with it.

"Sydney? But I don't live here. I live on the Gold Coast," I said, starting to cry in panic. I just assumed that I didn't the whole Jakob thing wasn't real.

"Ranee, you need to calm down, I will explain everything," the nurse said as all the other surrounding staff left the room.
After I had calmed down a bit, and the nurse explained to me that I was in a car accident, and that I moved to Sydney Hospital because of my parents. They had split up because of my dad cheating on my mum. I was really shocked. I had literally determined my fate in a dream. And then I started to wonder what else was real.

So I started asking questions. Firstly, I asked what year it is, and the nurse replied with, "start of 2016, you had your 15th birthday while you were in a coma."

"Do you know of a Jakob," I asked.

"No, no Jakob has come to visit to my knowledge."

"What about Chris or Ethan," I asked a little more saddened.

"No, I'm sorry my love," she replied.

"Jordan? There has to have been a Jordan come and visit."

"Actually, yes, she came here everyday after school, and now that it is summer holidays, she comes everyday at 9am and stays until 7pm. She is one hell of a good friend," she replied.

My eyes filled with happy tears and my face was stuffed with the biggest smile. "What time is it now?" I asked.

"6am," she replied.
Time came around to 9am and I was wide awake now. I was really upset that Chris and Ethan weren't real people. And especially Jakob. But I'm just really happy that Jordan is still here.

I heard the door crash open, interrupting my thoughts. In came an extremely happy Jordan, who came bouldering over to me. She collapsed in my arms and we both started to cry.

Once our little episode was over, we just looked at eachother and I thanked he for all the time that she dedicated to me. Jordan and I just talked, for ours, I told her about the dreams I had, telling her about the boys, but for some reason, not telling her their names. She told me about what had been happening while I was in the coma. And apparently I had been accepted into a performing arts school, that sounded really familiar.
It is a few weeks later, and I'm out of the hospital, and there is only 1 week until school starts again. So Jordan decided to introduce me to some of her friends. There were 3 guys and 1 other girl, which didn't surprise me with the boy part, as Jordan is the most beautiful girl. Guys would be stupid not to hang out with her.

Jordan and I were sitting in a small, cute little coffee shop, waiting for her friends to arrive. We were having a great conversation, and then the bells on the door jingled. A really pretty girl walked in, and Jordan got up and walked towards her. Both embracing the other with a hug.

They walked my direction and I gave a friendly smile. "Hi it's nice to meet you Ranee, I'm Gwen," she said politely, sitting down next to Jordan.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you," I replied.
She sat down and we all started talking. Gwen and I really hit it off. I like her, she is cool.

Midway through our conversation, the door jingled again. I was facing away from the door and didn't even bother to turn around. Hey Jordan, I spat out my drink in which I had just taken a big mouthful. I turned around at the all so familiar voice and stood up at the same time. Only to see 2 faces that I have missed so much... Ethan and Chris.

"Is she ok?" Ethan asked, or so I thought his name was Ethan.

"I don't know, medication?" Jordan replied, laughing and wiping her eyes, as I had just spat drink at her. "Ranee, this is Ethan," she said, pointing to Ethan, "and this is Chris, "she said walking over to Chris and kissing his cheek.

"Hey babe," he said to Jordan, "it's nice to meet you Ranee," he said to me.

"Yeah, nice to meet you," Ethan said.

"It's nice to meet you too," I said, trying to play it cool. But really I was at loss of words. I just so badly wanted to hug them. But I didn't, cause that would be weird. We all sat down and I just stayed quiet as the others spoke.

The bell jingled again and I was scared for who it will be. I started to down my drink to shake off the thoughts. Everyone got up and headed towards the door. I just sat there downing my drink.

"Hey, I haven't seen you guys, for like 1 week," the voice that I could never forget said.

I turned around, this time, sitting down. Spat out my drink over everyone... Again. "JAKOB!???!!!"

(A.N: hey guys, I am sorry I haven't updated in a while, there are probably heaps of errors. Also, I'm not too sure what it is like to be in a coma, so I kind of just guessed. I'm sorry if the whole coma thing affects you or hurts you in any way.
Jasmine xx)

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