Chapter 6 - Truth or dare

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Ranee's p.o.v
I pulled away awkwardly, realising what I had just done. " so sorry," I said, not really knowing how to start.
"That's okay, it was nice... I mean, never mind," Jakob spoke shyly, blushing and looking away. Now it was my turn to blush, I looked down, trying to hide it.
"Okay, that was random. Anyway, want to play truth or dare?" Ethan asked.
"Yes, let's do that," I giggled.
We all sat down in a circle on the floor and began to play.
"Jordan, truth or dare?" Chris asked.
"I'll start easy and say truth," she replied.
"Okay. Do you have a boyfriend?" He winked at Jordan.
"N-o," she sighed.
"Cool, can I have your number?" Chris blushed.
"Oh, okay. Jakob, why didn't you introduce me to your friends before?" Jordan complained.
"I don't know," Jakob shrugged.
"Ethan, truth or dare?" Jordan asked as she gave Chis her number.
"Dare!" He hyped.
"I dare you, to go downstairs and commando roll into the lounge room, and then say 'OK, room is clear'."
"That is gonna be funny, I gotta record that," I laughed.
We all ran down stairs and waited for Ethan to do his thing. As I clicked record on my phone, he rolled in to the room and said his line "ok, the room is clear!" I stopped recording and we all ran away giggling like idiots.
When we got back to mine and Jakob's room, we proceeded to play, "truth or dare, Ranee," Ethan asked.
"Umm.. Truth," I decided.
"Did you enjoy it when you kissed Jakob?" He didn't even hesitate to ask.
"Well, maybe I did, maybe I didn't," I replied. But honestly, his lips are so soft and kissable, I would defiantly do it again.
I gave a crocked smile and started speaking again, "Jakob, truth or dare?"
He looked at me and I could see the blush on his cheeks, "ahh, dare thanks."
"Hhmmmm, I dare you to, kiss me again if you would date me, or lick Ethan's toe if you wouldn't," I said kinda excited to see his answer.
He looked over at Ethan who was already flailing his foot around in the air and then immediately launched himself towards me. Jakob knock me off balance, so now he was on top of me, with his hands supporting himself by my sides. He leaned in and gently placed his lips on mine. How could he do that? Like honestly, he has a lot of guts! I reached up and tangled my hands in his hair as we continued to kiss.
"Ahm, we are still here ya now, we don't need to see your make out sesh!" Chris complained.
"I second that!" Jordan said.
"Maybe we should stop playing truth or dare before you two start sucking each other's faces off," Ethan cried. I was upset that we had to break it off, I really liked it:(
Jakob and I brushed ourselves off and we all just spent a few hours talking, until Jordan, Chris and Ethan had to go home.

(AN: Hey, so I'm doing this completion with my friend @SabinNihhtengale , where we have to update twice a day this week and once a day next week. Make sure you go and check her out because she has some pretty snazzy stuff!!
Jasmine xx)

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