Traditional VS Alternative

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-Chapter One-

"Cassandra Jade...I swear you need to hurry up or so help me I'm leaving."

I smiled at my own reflection, I couldn't help but do so as I looked down at myself in the perfect dress. I finally pulled my attention away from the mirror and walked out of the dressing room.

"Woah." My best friend sounded with a huge grin, "okay, Jace is going to both love and hate it."

I rolled my eyes and smiled, we both knew she was right. Life isn't always easy when you're dating one of the Alpha's sons.

Now don't get me wrong, Jace is an amazing boyfriend, so loving and really funny...but he can be more than a little overprotective at times.

This dress for instance, while it fits like a glove and shows off my figure perfectly I know my boyfriend will have his eyes glued on me all night, on the other hand...he'll probably try and force me to wear his jacket or something in an attempt to hide me from other males.

"Jace's jealousy aside." I said with a small smile, "Our senior prom is going to be perfect."

"You're So lucky you get to go."

I turned and really faced Stephanie for the first time, "Steph you can come what if you don't have a date, there's no crime against going alone."

"Yeah, only that it's hella embarrassing." She countered.

I shook my head, "someone could still ask you...I mean you're obviously gorgeous and there is still about two weeks until the dance."

"You know my parents won't let me date." She sounded sadly.

"I mean technically it would be a escort to to the dance more than technically you aren't like dating, dating."

She sighed and shook her head, "even still."

I didn't know how to cheer her up.

Stephanie's parents were very traditional Weres... traditional in the sense that they know one day their daughter will meet her mate and the two of them will begin their lives together as happy Mates...therefore they refuse to let her date anyone before her first shift into a werewolf.

My parents on the other hand (as with most parents in the pack nowadays) know the same will happen for us kids wether we date or not...but they feel with us dating, we may actually meet our mate prior to shifting, or at the very will definitely open up the playing field for us and we're a lot less awkward interacting with our mates when the time comes.

It's sort of a "thing" here...those that don't let their children date before mating are seen as traditional and oppressive. Those that choose to let their kids have a "normal" teenage life are considered alternative and are looked down upon by the more traditional Weres.

But here's the kicker, no matter how conservative or alternative a Were parent is...the kid is going to do whatever they want and sometimes attraction trumps everything else.

Seeing how my parents we always more on the alternative side, perhaps I wanted to rebel against them and remain more conservative, I swore up and down I would never have a boyfriend...that wasn't my mate...that my mate would be my everything.

My Jealous Ex-WolfWhere stories live. Discover now