A new week, a new Problem

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As a new school week rolled forward I was excited to know that my best friend would fully be a part of the pack after her first shift tonight.

Steph was an anxious ball of nerves all day and after she dropped me off after school it wasn't long until Dean came over to pick me.

"You ready to go love?"

I smiled up at him, "have I told you how much I like that pet name?"

He took full advantage and kissed my lips once, "then that's al I'll ever call you from here on out."

"And you will be my love." I responded. "Or my lover depending on the mood." I added more than a little suggestively.

"Oh I really like the sound of that."

And just like that 'babe' and 'baby' were gone, in a way I felt like we were shedding our old pet names that were young and new just like our relationship when we first started using them. But now we were both one hundred percent committed to each other, we love each other and these new terms of endearment reflected that.

"We really need to get going or Stephanie will be upset with us.

He didn't know how right he was.

After arriving Steph's parents greeted us warmly before we were shortly joined by Ryan.

The four of us talked while Stephanie's little sister Julie talked with a few of the cousins Stephanie's parents invited over.

Soon the topic of prom came up.

"I didn't get to go to my prom." Ryan admitted.

Stephanie and I were shocked.

"Me neither." Dean confessed. "No mate, no date...my dads rules."

"I had mono." Ryan filled us in. "We should all go together as a group."

I looked at Stephanie but she only looked at Ryan almost star struck.

"That actually sounds like a lot of fun." I had to admit.

"Well if I don't find my mate I'll need a date." Stephanie put in.

Ryan smiled at her, "it'd be my honor...if you don't find your mate before hand that is."

I wondered if these two could actually be mates, I suppose only time would tell. And as the sun set the party began to go into full swing, hours passed and finally Steph's extended family took off and Julie and I found ourselves heading inside to wait for my friend to finally shift. Stephanie remained outside with only her parents, Ryan, and Dean.

I looked over at Julie and could see she was scared.

"Are you alright?"

She shook her head, "I'm worried for my sister."

I nodded, "Jules, Steph will be fine...the shift is hell but it's faster than you think."

She sighed and we fell silent once again.

I sat with Julie for nearly twenty minutes before their mom and an unfamiliar brown wolf entered the house.

"She did great." Her mother said proudly. The two disappeared upstairs and soon Ryan and Dean came inside with Steph's father.

"We can go whenever you're ready love." He sounded

I nodded, I figured Stephanie would need her rest and if she found her mate she'd tell me first thing tomorrow at school. I hugged Julie and we both told Ryan bye before we took off.

"It's pretty late, how about I just stay the night at your place." I offered, Dean didn't bother responding, he simply grabbed my hand and kissed the back of it.

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