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As I woke up the next morning I made sure I took extra care in my outfit of choice as well as my makeup knowing Dean would be picking me up from school today, and as I only have an early day I was excited to see what we would end up doing.

On time as usual Stephanie pulled into the drive way and then made her way in for her usual morning cig of coffee.

"You look cute." She smiled as I came down the stairs.

"Sorta have plans today." I admitted with a smile.

"I had heard Jace was back in town."

Suddenly I remembered the conversation (or rather lack there of) I had last night on the phone, my stomach fell and instantly I felt nauseous.

"You cool girl?"

"Yeah, just thinking about some stuff, You ready to go and get this day over with?" I sighed heavily, suddenly I wasn't as anxious about the day after all.

I vaguely listened on as Stephanie went on about the details of her upcoming party on Monday night.

"Do you think you'll be able to tear yourself away from your mate long enough this weekend to help me get some shopping done?"

I looked over at her and smiled, "I'll always have time for my best friend."

She nodded with triumph, "good, because I've been around you longer."

I laughed and we continued on our way to school, but as we pulled into the parking lot my stomach began to get that queasy feeling. My wolf was completely on edge and I noticed that Stephanie was beginning to look at me a little worried.

"Are you sure you're alright Cass, you look scared."

I shook my head, "just really not looking forward to seeing I don't know," I sighed. "I just have this feeling that he isn't going to take me seriously.

"Do you think he know you found your mate?"

I sighed, "he isn't stupid so i'm sure he knows I have a mate...just doesn't know who my mate is yet."

"Are you going to tell him?"

I shrugged, "it's not like I'm exactly trying to keep Dean a secret or anything, plus the pack is bound to find out eventually."

She nodded her understanding and left it alone. I was jittery as we got out of the car and headed into the courtyard, I looked around for Jace but came up blank.

"Maybe he isn't coming in today." Stephanie offered.

I shook my head I knew Jace would come, but in true Jace fashion he would want to call the shots and by him not meeting me first thing this morning to hash everything out, he knew I'd go looking for him...and to be honest, if it meant getting this over and done with I would end up looking for him before the day is over.


"Can you believe that test, I swear half of it was on shit we weren't even told to study." Stephanie complained as we exited class.

She was right, the test was tough but I had just assumed it was because my mind was preoccupied by other things.

"Don't look now Cass, but you know who is by the lockers."

I sighed and lifted my head right in his direction, I locked eyes with him and he only smirked as he continued on with his conversation.

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