The Longest Week Pt 1

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When I woke up to the sound of my alarm I could've thrown my phone across the room as I was having one of the best night of sleep I've ever had.

I grabbed my phone to silence the alarm and in doing so I also notice a new text.

[Dean: Morning Beautiful, hope you have a great day and can't wait until our next run in.]

I just about squealed in excitement to actually be one of those girls who got random good morning texts.

It wasn't anything grand or unique but it was the fact that he had woke up and thought enough about me to acknowledge that I was in his thoughts.

I was touched.

[Cass: just now getting ready to head out for the day, hope we can spend some time together soon, have a good day :) ]

Now I had to ignore my phone if I wanted to be ready in time for Stephanie to pick me up. I rushed to my closet and picked out an outfit and didn't even bother with makeup, I figure today would be one of those lazy days, my hair also looked good still (little to no fly aways) so I kept the braids in.

I grabbed my bag and made sure I had my notebooks and good pens before grabbing my phone and going downstairs.

I was greeted by my mom.

"Good morning sweetie."

I smiled at her and offered her a mug indicating I wanted some of the coffee she had brewed, she only rolled her eyes before resigning to pouring some coffee into the mug.

I turned and added my creamer of choice and some sugar.

"So how was your little trip?"

"It was good, learned a lot about Dean...but with every answer I find out, I have two new questions."

She laughed prettily and shook her head, "get use to it sweetheart, I still haven't figured your father out completely."

I couldn't help but giggle, I grabbed a piece of toast and added some strawberry jam to it before Steph walked in.

"Morning Steph." I said as I sipped my coffee.

She made herself at home and pulled another mug out of the cabinet, "good morning indeed."

My mother only shook her head, "you girls are too young for coffee."

"Mom I'm eighteen, and Stephanie's going to be turning eighteen soon."

"Yeah don't be an age-ist." Stephanie added with a small smirk.

"You girls hurry up," my mom ignored Steph, "and Cassie no more missing school just to hangout with your mate."

"Yes ma'am."

She left and shortly after so did we.

The school was packed per the usual but we got a decent parking spot and I immediately began looking for Jace's car, and when I didn't see it I let out a small sigh of relief.

"You got a text." Steph said.

I looked down at my phone and sure enough I had received a text message.

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