The Big Shift

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Chapter Nine

Later that night the table was set, and I spent the night talking with Steph and her sister while my parents talked to hers.

And when The Alpha, Luna, Ryan, and Dean all arrived we all sat down for the dinner mom had taken all evening to prepare for us, and it was absolutely delicious.

When everyone had eaten their fill we all just sort of talked to each other.

Ryan took to talking to Steph and her sister so I found myself talking with Dean alone.

"You look great." He offered.

"You've already seen me in this."

He shoved his hands in his pockets cooly and shrugged, "You looked nice then too...but, more than all of that...are you alright?"

I nodded but sighed, "I think so."

"Your nervous." He sounded.

"Yeah...Just don't really know what to expect."

He nodded his head this time, " well...I won't lie and say it's quick and painless...but it's something you can absolutely handle, and if you find yourself scared or if it feels too painful then just...just look at me okay."

I felt like he genuinely would help me feel a little better through out the hard parts f the shift

Then he reached up and rubbed the back of his neck as he smiled, "...or, or you can look at Stephanie, or your Mom and Dad...just...focus on small things about one of us and it can help take your mind off the pain."

I couldn't help but smile and thank him and soon my parents pulled me over to tell the Marshall's goodnight and thank them for coming.

"I'll call you tomorrow and we can talk about the shift." Stephanie sounded as I hugged her and her sister and watched them take off for the evening.

Now all that remained were my mother and father, the Alpha and Luna, Ryan, and Dean (leaders in training) and together we all made our way outside.

The moon was high and shone brightly, not quite full anymore, the stars were a bit patchy as clouds covered the night. No real breeze as all signs of a warm spring were in full bloom.

Everyone was extraordinarily quiet, before the Luna spoke.

"Cassandra Dear, I know you're probably nervous especially with all of us here, but we've all done this before and I can assure you your nerves will pass."

"W-what if I suck at being a wolf?" I asked.

They all laughed lightly, "nobody sucks at being a wolf young one," the Alpha spoke, "you just have to adjust to following your wolf's instincts, you'll find that when it comes to your wolf, she will always lead you in the right listen to her and you'll be fine."

I nodded.

"It's time" my father announced.

And no sooner than the words were fully out of his mouth I could feel my legs giving out. I fell to the ground and began panting. My heart was beating too fast, something was wrong. My chest was tight and I swear i could feel every bone in my body snap into millions of pieces.

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