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Chapter Eleven

When I woke up the next morning before I even got up I reached under my pillow and grabbed my cellphone.

I noticed I had a few new notifications but ignored them for the time being, there was only one thing that I needed to do.

I easily found Jace's contact and and pressed dial.

It rang and rang not once did he pick up.

I decided he was more than likely still asleep, I on the other hand needed to shower and then to get ready for the day.

I finally got up off of the floor and started my shower, I decided to choose my outfit while I let my water heat up. But this formed a new problem...what was I going to wear? I didn't want to come off as trying too hard, but I also wanted to look nice in front of Dean. I pulled outfit after outfit until I finally settled on a pair of jeans (because you can never go wrong with jeans) a simple plain top and a pair of low top converse.

By the time I returned to the restroom it was completely steamed up from the heat of the shower and I quickly got undressed before lowering the temperature of the water and finally getting in.

The shower was much needed and afterward I put on fresh underwear and sat down at my vanity table to begin my makeup.

I took care in every selection today, from my outfit to my makeup I knew not to try anything too girly or fancy as we would more than likely be outdoors and the weather can change at the drop of a hat. So I kept my makeup light and used anything I had that was waterproof.

After that I would normally do my hair but instead I decided to keep it natural, once again I took into account that the climate could change easily and therefore didn't want any hard work to go to waste, so instead I just put some product into my hair and let it dry on its own.

Finally It came time to get my bag ready. Granted I wasn't planning on staying overnight as I do have school the next day, I knew it was never a bad idea to pack a few essentials such as a toiletry bag. So I grabbed my toothbrush, deodorant, hair ties (in case I lose one), a fresh pair of underwear, as well as my phone charger and headphones and put it all into one of my larger purses.

I felt like I was forgetting something but I'm sure I would remember what it was before I left.

I made my way downstairs only to find breakfast already made and my parents already gone for the day.

I plated some scrambled eggs and sausage and sat down at the kitchen table, I ate two forkfuls before I tried calling Jace once again, still he didn't answer so this time I left a voicemail.

"Hey it's me, I seriously need to speak with you and would appreciate it if you could call me back as soon as you can...hope your grandparents are doing well."

I was about halfway done with my breakfast and still hadn't heard anything from Jace, his lack of communication had my stomach in knots and made it difficult to continue eating. I cleaned my plate into the bin before rinsing it off in the sink, a knock on the front door sounded causing me to turn off the faucet.

I didn't have to look out of the peephole on the front door or anything to know exactly who was standing outside of my front door.

I also couldn't stop smiling.

I opened the door immediately and did everything in me to keep from throwing myself onto him.

Handsome as ever Dean bid me a good morning before I let him into my house, now standing there I couldn't help but become slightly strange.

"You okay Cassie?" He asked as I closed my eyes and held my hands up.

I opened my eyes and looked at him, "shh."

He remained silent and I let my wolf guide me (like the alpha had said). Sure I had seen he was here so in theory my wolf also knew he was here with us, but she was craving something else and surprisingly is wasn't his touch (though neither my wolf or I would object to that)...instead she wanted to indulge herself in his scent.

So with my eyes closed I sniffed.

"What're you doing Cassie?" He whispered in an amused fashion.

I opened my eyes and knew there was no use in lying. "Trying to memorize your scent." I admitted a little embarrassed

He chuckled before reaching out for one of my hands, he gently took my right hand into his and placed it on his chest, I didn't exactly know what to expect from this action.

But after a minute it was as if I had an idle hand with a mind of its own as it soon took a hold of his shirt, I stepped forward and just inhaled deeply as I brought the soft fabric of his top to my nose.

Once again my eyes closed of their own accord as I got my fill of his heady mahogany teakwood scent and pine, "pine" I purred.

"Did you just call me a Pinecone?" He asked with a smirk.

"I did not." I protested.

He laughed lightly, "it's okay Cassie, I'd gladly be your Pinecone anyday." He teased.

I couldn't help but smile, so much for taking things slow.

Dean asked if I was ready and when I grabbed my bag and nodded he returned my smile with his own, "after you Cassie."

I walked out first and he followed, as I locked up he continued toward his car, just like before I found that he had been standing near the passenger side door, holding it open for me.

I got into the car and he carefully closed the door behind me, I leaned over and unlocked the driver side door for him, "thank you." He acknowledged as he got himself into the car.

I nodded silently as it was not a big deal, and soon we were off.

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