Naked and Afraid

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"Focus focus focus." I sounded.

My mind was too full of rage and worry, I tried calling Dean but he didn't answer and Jace's threat lingered in the forefront of my mind.

'What if he hurt our mate, our Dean?' My wolf whined internally.

I knew if I needed to get to Dean fast I would have to shift but in order to do that I would have to focus.

As much practice as I've done I still haven't quite mastered the art of shifting at will.

"C'mon." I growled angrily before I blocked out everything and was finally able to shift in the woods right behind the school.

Since his apartment was closer I went to Dean's place first, but when I didn't see his car I guessed he was at the lumberyard, it took me what must've been Five minute to get to the other side of town as I ducked and dodged low branches in the thick forest.

I didn't know how I managed to maintain my wolf form while I was wracked with worry for Dean but as soon as I got there I still didn't see his car, I knew there was only one other place he might possible be, his parents.

I immediately ran forward knowing his parents house was thankfully not too far away.

But as I ran closer to their property line I noticed the trees became sparse and soon the wooded area was thinning out to nothing but a couple of trees here and there, to top it off someone was walking along the backyard.

As I zoned in I noticed delicate fabrics fluttering in the wind and knew immediately that it could only be Lola.

As ashamed as I was of shifting back into my human form in front of her snd standing around naked, I knew Deans safety trumped all else.

So I carefully approached the fence and Lola spotted me.

"I don't believe I've ever crossed paths with you wolf...shift and reveal yourself." She stated with certainty.

I whimpered because in truth I didn't exactly know the ins and outs of just shifting back, you'd think it'd come naturally but it actually takes some time to build control over these things.

"Oh I see, you're stuck in your wolf form...very well come forward and I'll talk you through it."

'How embarrassing.'

I stepped back and then ran forward so I could get enough speed to jump over the fence, it worked and Lola stood calmly rooted to the same spot.

"Now young one, I need you to close your eyes and concentrate on my voice," she said. I did as told and listened to her soothing tone. "I need you to clear your thoughts and think of only calming things, the sun rising, a beautiful spring day, your mate if you've got one."

At that I couldn't help but smile as I thought about Dean and I, of course it worked a little too well as I was now cold and a little turned on.


My eyes flew open and I covered my body as best as I could while Lola made quick work to unwrap her silk shawl from around her arms and handed the fabric to me.

I cringed internally as I tried not to think about my boyfriends mom seeing me naked, or the fact that I probably had a towel sized fabric covering my bare body that more than likely costs as much as car.

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