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I woke up once again, this time it was at the sound of vibrations coming from my pants that laid on the floor.

"I think someone's calling you." Dean sounded as he tightened his hold on me in the most comfortable hug possible.

He kissed my shoulder and I let out a content moan, "mmm, good morning."

"Good morning," He responded.

"I should probably answer that.

He released me and I immediately reached for my phone. "Hello?"

"Hey girl, I was just trying to see if you were still wanting to catch up and help me get some shopping done?"

"Yeah sure, give me about an hour and I'll meet at the mall and get as much done as we can." I answered.

After that we hung up and I knew I had to get going. "Do you mind giving me a ride to my house?"

I asked, "of course not, are you gonna need a ride to the mall as well?"

"Oh no pinecone I'll be fine, I'll just get a ride with one of my parents."

He didn't respond, he only looked at me.

"What?" I asked completely confused.

I looked at him and noticed how brilliantly his hazel eyes shone this early in the morning, a small smirk playing on his lips.

"Dean why are you acting so weird?" I slightly chuckled out of nervousness more than anything.

"You just called me used a pet name, did we just officially cross over into mate territory?" He asked.

Had I really said that? I tried to think back on what I said, and with my wolves sharp memory she played back my words perfectly.

"I'm pretty sure we crossed that line that night in your office."

He snaked his arms around my middle, "you know we could always recreate that evening, here and now."

I soaked in the feeling of his lips against mine, the kiss was slow and lazy, I knew he was trying to drag it out because he didn't want me to leave.

"I really have to get going." I sounded as I finally tore myself away from him.

"Fine lets go then." He sighed as he pulled on a random shirt and then led me out to his car.

"I'm gonna be at my parents, helping set up for tonight so let me know when you get home so I can go and pick you up okay." He said as he pulled up to the front of the mall.

I unbuckled, "will there anything I should bring tonight, a cake or a fruit platter or something?" I asked completely unsure of what I'm suppose to do in these sort of things.

Truth of the matter is I've never really officially met a guys parents.

Okay true I had known the Alpha and the Luna But they're our pack leaders, who in the pack doesn't know them? So with Jace's parents I didn't need to be introduced.

And with Mr Giles my family would see him every now and again at the lumberyard when we'd need something...but his wife in the other hand...who knows how Mrs Giles will react to me.

"Just bring yourself, my family's going to love you babe."

I couldn't help but smile shyly before I leaned in and kissed him, "alright I'll see you later."

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