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Chapter Thirteen

The rest of the day was very easy going, Dean and Ryan's friends were cool and I didn't once feel left out, kind of a huge fear when you're a little on the introverted side...something Jace never understood when he'd throw one of his many parties and tend to wander away, leaving me to fend for myself.

Everyone spoke freely and I was even surprised to see a more carefree side of Ryan.

I did take note that no matter what we were doing, be it talking, sitting outside, preparing lunch, playing cards, enjoying Stella (a girl that seemed to really like Ryan) play her guitar...Dean could always be found near me.

It was more than welcome though.

I liked the idea that I was finding myself growing more comfortable around his constant presence. But I also feared how this would effect me when away from him.

As then sun began to set we found ourselves telling Stella and her friend Roxy goodbye while Ryan tucked in for the night in the spare bedroom.

"I suppose we should call it a night as well then." Dean said a tad on the nervous side.

I looked behind us at the room Ryan had taken and back to the opposite side of the cabin where the 'master' bedroom sat. "Of course I could always take the sofa if you'd feel more comfortable."

"No, no don't be silly...of course I don't have any issues with us sharing a room, I mean you are my Mate right?" I said in an attempt to assure both him and myself.

Of course at a time like this that same internal battle began to drum up again, on one hand I'm a young she wolf spending the night with my mate, a more than realistic thing we do once we get to know our mates. On the other hand I may or may not be in a relationship still, one of which involves one of the alphas sons...a burden I brought onto myself.

Also in the very back of my subconscious was that teeny tiny little voice whispering "what happened to taking things slow?" I knew fully well that this was the complete opposite of taking things slow, but here we were, walking into a room together.

I mean by all logical reasoning there is absolutely nothing wrong with this picture whatsoever, as us Weres are basically hard wired to find our mates and then mate to strengthen our numbers in the pack, a little less than romantic the more I think about it.

But with every step I took into the bedroom a could feel my wolfs excitement growing.

"Well this isn't awkward." He sounded.

I had to admit that his random statement did make me giggle a little and in doing so I released a breath I hadn't realized I was holding.

But as I remembered Dean hasn't done anything like this before, I knew I would have to take the reigns in this situation, again...something that I'm not quite use to.

Yes I have been told I can be bossy, but I've never really been the one to initiate intimacies or anything like that.

I walked over to the bed as casually as I could, kicked off my shoes and patted the bed, "come and sit with me." My one key factor is that I wanted Dean to feel comfortable.

As manly as he may appear on the outside, I could just somehow tell he was feeling extremely nervous.

"You don't have to be nervous." I said gently, "it's only me."

He took a seat on the bed next to me.

The tension in the room was thick with so many things building up, and yet nothing being said. We sat and looked at one another afraid that if one of us spoke our perfect calm would be forever shattered.

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