The Loft

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I couldn't help but smile as I looked around the clean and unique studio apartment.

It was two levels, on the first level was the kitchen/living room combo as well as the restroom. Dean had a very monochromatic vibe throughout the place. This extended from his large black leather sectional sofa to his tall steel barstools, black and white art decorated his walls, and gray accent pieces lay here and there. The second level was the Loft

"Uh let me just clear the table off really quick." He sounded slightly embarrassed. As he went to set the food down on one of the chairs before he made his way to collect the papers that were casually strewn across the small table. "Sometimes I bring work home with me." He admitted.

"I would die if you saw my room right now." I confessed in an attempt to console his nervousness. "I couldn't figure out what to wear this morning so I sort of threw everything I tried on, onto the floor."

He just shook his head with a thoughtful smile and then offered me a seat at the table, he put away his papers before coming over to serve the both of us.

"So you've been stressing about this whole Beta thing and you're losing sleep over it?" I asked.

"More or less."

"What else am I missing?" I wondered out loud as I took a sip of the soda I had ordered with my food.

I noticed he began to sort of mess with his plate of food in an attempt to avoid answering me, "can we just leave it at wolf problems?"

As much as I so desperately wanted to pry further for a better explanation I simply nodded and left it alone by changing the subject as we continued to eat.

" you know, I didn't realize you had your own apartment."

"You thought I lived with my parents?" He asked.

"Well yeah, I mean last night didn't your dad ask if you two were heading home?"

At this he nodded, "of course I'll probably always consider my parents house as home, but no I don't live there...actually to be one hundred percent honest with you I only go over there so my parents can feed me."

I laughed and he continued. "If you'll recall, I'm no cook and as cool as cereal is, it's not something I fancy all the time, and you can only eat frozen pizza and microwave meals so much before you get sick of them."

As we finished up our food (with his permission) I snooped around his apartment to help me get a better sense of him and his tastes.

"Can I go upstairs?" I asked feeling a little unsure of myself.

"Hey I told you to make yourself at home right?" He offered gently.

I took hold of the rail and made my way up the stairs. From the lower level I imagined it would be a lot less roomie and ten times more cramped, but once up there I found it quite spacious, and as Dean had followed me up here, I could see he had enough room to walk around without hitting his head against the ceiling.

I immediately saw my pillow on his bed and smiled, "I know it's bad considering we just ate and all...but, let's cuddle." I offered.

He immediately obliged me as he kicked off his shoes and I followed his action, only he took it a step further by taking off his top shirt.

Soon we found ourselves comfortably in each others much so that we actually fell asleep.


I began to wake up when I felt the slight stir of someone next to me.

I groaned in protest.

"Shh, go back to sleep babe, I'm just headed to the restroom."

I nodded my head but out of habit I grabbed my phone (out of my back pocket where I had it last) and as the screen glowed with life panic set in.

"Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh...shit!" I said as I sat up and began to look around the now darkened room.

-- 3 am --

Dean and I had fallen asleep, HARD. We ruined a perfectly good evening together and parent were probably going to kill me.

"Hey" I said quickly as Dean had rejoined me on the second level, "you gotta take me home, my parents are gonna flip, they're probably wondering where I am, who I'm with."

"Woah calm down Cassie, your parents are smart so I'm sure they've already figured out your with me, second I think they'd be a lot more pissed if you tried to sneak into the house in the middle of the night." He tried reasoning with me. "Look love, why don't you text one of them, let them know you're safe you'll just be crashing at my place because you lost track of the time...I mean you're eighteen, I'm sure they won't be so hard on you."

As close as my mother and I are, I decided to text my father...he was always more of the push-over AND chances were he'd already be asleep, and once asleep he's out like a light.

[Cassie: Hey dad lost track of time staying with Dean tonight & don't worry I'm smart so please try and remember that before you freak out, love you.]

I sat on the edge of Dean's bed for close to five minutes.

"I don't think he's going to reply love." Dean sounded with an adorable yawn.

I nodded, I knew he was right.

"C'mon lets get back to sleep." He yawned once again. "...we've still got a big evening planned for us."

I matched his yawn with my own this time as I unbuttoned my jeans, "turn the other way if you've got a problem with my undies, otherwise get use to it." I stated firmly as I smirked knowing fully well he wouldn't turn away.

In a cute sort of way he did cover his eyes but once I was in the bed his arm went immediately around my waist.

"So what big plans do we have tomorrow night?" I asked curiously.

I couldn't wait to hear what romantic thing I had waiting for me as we had missed out on tonight.

He scrunched his eyebrows together in a "did you seriously forget?" Sort of way.


"Cassie, don't you remember telling my dad that you would love to have dinner with the family?"

At that my stomach knotted up and a new found anxiety arose. "That's tomorrow?"

"Yes ma'am...everything alright?"

I gave him my best attempt at a normal sort of smile to try and assure him that everything was fine but really how do you tell your mate that you're super freaked about meeting his family, even more so when you had already said you'd love to meet them.

He kissed my cheek and I rolled over to my side, he held me in a spooning fashion and I felt as his limbs became less tense and knew he'd be asleep...I on the other hand laid there until I eventual drifted off to sleep where I proceeded to have "in-law" related nightmares.

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