Roles of Power

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On the car ride to the pack house I held onto Dean's hand and we rode in silence.

And for the first time ever, the car was filled with an awkward tension.

I hated that I didn't know what he was thinking about right now, all I wanted to do was ease his mind but I wasn't quite sure how to do that so I remained silent as he drove on.

When we finally reached the pack house Dean pulled his car into an empty space and killed the engine, he didn't waste anytime getting out of the car and coming around to my side to help me out of the car.

I put my hand in his and as I stepped out of the car I held him in the same place, "you're going to be the Beta of this pack, Dean you are a Giles...remind them that, that name means something."

I myself wasn't one hundred percent sure what his family name meant but one thing I picked up from last night is that their family name isn't one to be messed with.

He nodded determinedly and then took the moment to bend his head down to kiss me, afterward I smoothed out his shirt and took his hand once more and let him walk us past all of the other cars and toward the pack house.

As we entered we saw many familiar faces and happily I found my dad standing with Fred and Lola.

"Hello my darlings." Lola sounded excitedly as Fred tried to get her to calm down a little. Dean looked embarrassed by his parents but I didn't mind at all, I hugged the both of them before hugging my own dad.

"Mom had to work." He said, I nodded and then he went to shake Dean's hand.

We stood with our family and two minutes later Ryan came up to us, Dean and Ryan shared a brotherly sort of hug before Ryan surprised me by giving me a kiss on the cheek, something I definitely wasn't expecting but I knew it was a sign of respect that men in the pack do to their sisters or sisters in law.

Dean had said he and Ryan were like brothers so I suppose I better get use to being close to Ryan all of a sudden.

The lot of us (much like the rest of the pack members) talked amongst each other for a little while. Lola and I were caught up in the middle of planning to have lunch this coming week when the Alpha and Luna walked in.

The entire house quieted and all eyes were on them.

"Good evening brothers and sisters, I'm so glad that a majority of you could come on such short notice." The Alpha spoke. "I'm sure many of you are wondering why I've called such a meeting and I'll get right to parents aren't in the best health and it seems as if they're running out of time here on earth, they have lived a great life and as their only child it is my duty as a son to be by their side."

A string of whispers sounded and the alpha raised his hands to silence everyone once again.

"As many of you know my son Ryan has started his Alpha training." He stated, "it is with both a heavy and proud heart that I step down as Alpha of this pack and let my son Ryan Gabriel Fletcher finally taken on the role he was born to fill."

At that the pack clapped, myself included.

We watched as Ryan walked up to where his parents stood.

The Alpha spoke again, "as is tradition, the new Alpha has to choose his new Beta, someone to help him mold and lead this pack."

I watched on with bated breath, what if Ryan had a sudden change of heart and decided to keep the roles of power in the family and he claims his new beta as Jace?

Ryan stepped forward, "my first official act as Alpha of this pack is to ask Dean Giles to act as my Beta of this pack."

Once more the pack members began to stir and whisper amongst themselves.

I could feel all of the pack members looking over in our direction.

But none of that seemed to matter right now, both my wolf and I could feel that Dean needed us to be strong right now, I touched his chest like before, "hey," I said softly..."you've got this."

He nodded and kissed me once before walking up to join Ryan.

My dad wrapped an arm around my shoulders as I stood next to a tear stricken Lola and a proud Fred.

"Alpha Ryan, Beta Dean repeat after me." Alpha Richard said. "From now until the end of my days as acting leader, this pack will take priority to everything."

The both spoke the words in perfect unison.

"Ryan as Alpha it is your job to always protect this pack at all costs and lead without clouded judgement, do you swear to uphold our packs traditions and always do what's best for this pack?" The Luna asked her son.

"I swear."

Then the Luna turned to my mate. "Dean, as Beta it will be your job to aid in the assistance of your Alpha, do you swear to always be there for the pack and doing everything you have to, to keep this pack going strong?"

"I swear."

Everyone clapped as the Luna kissed the boys on both cheeks and then the alpha hugged them both, it was symbolic as showing a peaceful shift in power.

After that everyone was allowed to leave, I couldn't have asked for things to go smoother, even better, as Dean and I got into the car to leave it was then that I realized I hadn't seen Jace once tonight.


---{Jace's Point of View}---

I watched as that bastard was named by my own brother as the new Beta of a pack that belongs to my family.

I looked on as Cassandra let that fucker kiss her in front of everyone. Even after I had done everything to make myself available for her, yes I had been knowingly following her around town every since I found out she moved on to another guy.

She was crazy if she thought I was just going to let her go so willingly, and I'd continue to follow her until she realizes that SHE IS MINE!

Then again, living in a small town it is rather easy to write off my following her as simply bumping into her.

I remained rooted in my place as he repeated the vows and swore himself into the role and hatred filled me as my parents embraced him like he was their second son.

It was then that I decided I would do whatever the hell it took to make sure I get this arrogant motherfucker out of my life for good.

With him gone I would definitely
take my rightful position as Beta, I would claim Cassandra as mine and no one in the pack would ever be able to do anything about it.

And as the ceremony came to an end I came up with the perfect plan to get the pain in the ass Dean Giles out of my life for good.

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