Chapter 12: Bodyguard Duty(Part 2)

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   As we traveled the road, two APCs joined our convoy. The convoy drove the almost-empty road of the city. There is no traffic. The limousine played classical music. The secretary sat on the sofa on the front and he drank a glass of champagne.

We drove through numerous walled city districts that are protected by the city's Egyptian Militarized Law Enforcement Forces. The soldiers in each districts saluted fervently at the limousine as they stopped doing their daily duties as the secretary waves at them.

  We arrived at the city's outer wall. The city's outer wall blast-gates opened slowly. The siren blared and instantly stopped. Then the limousine drove automatically to the highway at the front of the city's gates.

   During the trip to the classified communications center, we passed numerous military outposts guarded by soldiers and numerous rural villages full of people. We saw an huge oasis in the distance among the sand dunes below; heavily guarded by soldiers and surrounded by military installations.

    This must be the one of the few oases left in the country; one of the few places left in the country to get fresh water. The government used the few pockets of water in the country to control the people's water supply. An hydraulic despotic country.

  After a half-hour, my brother called me via Holo.

"Phantom! What's your status?" I said.

"There is a armored bus blocking the path!"

"Copy. We approach the bus and we will secure it  to see if there are threats in it or if its abandoned."


I got a bad feeling about this.

The convoy approached the abandoned armored bus 5 meters away.

I got out of the limousine.

A platoon of Egyptian soldiers came out of the two APCs.

We approached the armored bus slowly.

Me and the other soldiers took cover in the two APCs and the other soldiers holding their ballistic shields.

The dropship hovered above the limousine.

The first five soldiers approached the bus and a soldier opens it.

A unknown person shot the soldier from the door.

   The armored buses' reinforced windows opened and enemy gunners shot the other four soldiers. The gunners laid suppressing fire on us, preventing us from moving from our positions.

  Four rebels came out from the back of the armored bus. Armed and dangerous.

  A rebel with a megaphone climbed on the top of the bus and stood on top, with a pose like he is going to sing

"Give us the Secretary of Homeland Security!" the given translation of the rebel's commanding voice in the Holo said.

A soldier shot him.

  The other three rebels were shot except for one rebel who took cover at the back of the bus.

   The dropship where my brother is positioned shot the bus using his payload rifle. The payload round exploded on the bomb, causing severe damage. The surviving rebel ran away but the soldiers shot him.

   The remains of the destroyed armored bus was removed by the dozer blades attached to the front of the two APCs. The burned pieces of the bus were moved to the side of the road and we advanced to our destination.

   The second rebel encounter is an event where a IED detonated under the APC at our front. Then three rebels repeatedly shot the limousine but the APCs shot them with the APC's auto cannon.

  After a few rebel encounters later, we are 50km away from the secret communications center. The rebels are riding old cars, motorcycles, trucks and a armored bus full of rebels and mounted guns and rockets, chasing us.

The communications center is a military base full of buildings, defenses, radar, and a tall metal spire from the center of the base surrounded by satellites dishes and defensive positions.

   The communication center is surrounded by large sand dunes. The bases's perimeter is full of defensive automatic gun turrets.

  The rebels fired a RPG on the limousine's back. It didn't do any damage.

  From our destination, a missile launched towards us. The missile exploded behind us, leaving the rebels vaporized in a ball of fire and smoke.

  Then we drove to our destination.

   Hours later we arrived at the gates of the communications center. The gates opened and we drove to the parking area of the communications center.

   The secretary woke up from his sleep.

"Oh, we're here." He nonchalantly stated.

   He yawns,stretching out his hands.

  We opened the door for him.

   The guards form a line towards a building, saluting the secretary.

   How can they salute properly without laughing at his outfit? Maybe the fear of their families being imprisoned or executed.

  As he walked me and Vince walked by his side.

  "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you two that this is no communication center, it is an Communications Monitoring and Control operating base." he explained."This establishment is used to monitor and control every form of technology-based communication device in the country.We can monitor and control every bit of information in the country. "

   Then, the secretary walked inside of a building in the base, then he opened the door and he gave us 3 suitcases."Thank you for your service. Now here is your payment. Return to your hotel."

   We walked to the dropship. We got in the dropship and I gave my brother the payment inside the suitcase.

   The dropship took off and we flew to Cairo, with 3 suitcases worth of Credits inside.

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