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January 1 2081, The "Giant Lair" Central Island, Somewher in the Pacific Ocean.

   The Global Military's Central Asian Naval Branch and their Air Force Branch had spearheaded the second invasion of the "Giant's Lair", a month after the private military superpower:"The Sons of War", failed invasion of the Western Island just days before. The Central Asian forces already are headed to the Giant's Lair as the 15th and 13th fleets are halfway to their destination.

   The EMP weapons did a number of the island's defenses, rendering their electronics unusable. Civilians were evacuated to the Eastern Island by ships,hover-planes and hover-carriers, where they will prepare to travel to their sanctuary in the North Pole.

    The Western Island already has been invaded by the Global Military. Some RavenClaw forces still hid in the forests and the few mountains of the island. Guerilla-style tactics were used by the remaining forces.

   The fleets of invading ships from the Western Island set sail to the Central Island. Already they have casualties from the Orbital Bombardment Systems tethered on the ocean.

   The Global Military combat doctrine was simple: deploy waves of waves of forces with heavy, long range support and air support until the enemy is defeated.

   Millions of Global Strike missiles were launched by the Global Military's allies in different countries in the Global Alliance. But almost all of them were intercepted by the missile defense systems on the archipelago.

   When they reached the coasts of the island weeks later, they advance through. The land was thoroughly piled with bodies from both sides, mostly from the Central Asian soldiers of the Global Military. The green grass now stained red,the soil absorbing the puddles of blood.Advancing vehicles from the rear echelons treaded on bodies with a horrendous combination of cracking and squishing sounds.

   The Global Strike missiles did extreme damage after they destroyed the missile defense system. Large crater were scattered on the battlefield,

   Months later the Global Military encircled the volcanic headquarters of the island's Central Command;they presumed that the CEO of RavenClaw was trapped,nowhere to go.

  But they were wrong.

   Thousands of miles away, Johann Walker and Tadashi Takeshi were having a light-hearted conversation about the obliteration of the whole archipelago to cover their traces and inflict heavy losses on the Global Military's Central Asian Branch.

  They stood on the prow, leaning on the railings.

"Do you know why I abhor them?" Johann asked.

"Why?" Tadashi questioned.

"Because, from a plethora of my experiences living with them, Jews are one of the most vile creatures on this world. They are parasites inside a host country,they cheat steal,manipulate, and will do anything, even below morality, to further their goals. They even manipulate the Central Asians to fight for them." he explained."Now,I will end the Central Asian soldier's miseries, and send the parasites to Hell."

   Johann pulled out a strange rectangular metallic device from his coat pocket. He pressed the surface of the device. The place where he touched it glowed red.

  On the central island,the Global Alliance infiltrated the central military complex inside the volcano. They have infiltrated all of the underground facilities, including the geothermal power plant, the sewage management system,the underground ammunition dump,the subterranean city, and the other facilities.

  A squad of purple-helmeted soldiers from the Global Military breached through the empty penthouse to assassinate Johann Walker. Before they even realized what was happening, the whole volcano exploded into burning rock, along the other volcanoes in the archipelago, destroying the whole place with the Global Military forces, never to be seen again.

December 24 2080, Philippines, Classified Location

   The raindrops fell on the green tents surrounding the white coffin being lowered 6 feet under. Men and women in black grimly stood under the tents. Jack's wife crouched on the hole where his husband were buried. Her tears seemingly disappeared from the raindrops on her face. The crowd stood silent: only the wife's screams were heard.

  A dark skinned man held a black umbrella over the grieving wife. He adjusted his green cap slightly. The man's dark blue cotton cloth had become soggy.

"I wish I hadn't let him die like this." the man sobbed."Why we have gone to war? Is it because of fighting for a cause? To change the world?To rule the world? To be remembered in history? Or for pleasure or to make business out of it?" he doubted the life he had lived in the battlefield.

   The wife was too busy wailing that she didn't notice her husband's former boss holding a umbrella on top of her.

  The man removed his cap from his head and solemnly placed it on his chest. He lowered his head and mourned.

  A young man who had his elder brother's looks stepped out of the crowd. He stepped forward to his brother's grave, looking down at the coffin, while it was buried under the dirt.

  His tears seemingly disappear from his face, as raindrops trickled down his face. He can only watch his coffin being buried.

  The once cheerful man now has his happiness drained away from him.

   A woman in his mid-60s waded through the crowd. Her blue blouse is out of place amidst the funeral wear of the crowd.

  She stared in plain apathy. She looks at the coffin like a child looks at its least favorite toy. Her bodyguard patted her on the shoulder. The middle-aged woman left silently.

   The Egyptian bodyguard stayed for a short while and stared at the coffin.

"Don't worry, your death is just a stepping stone for the things to come." he mumbled."I will make the world united and peaceful in your behalf and the others who have died for us."he thought."Thank you for everything."

   They drove out of the cemetery.

  Then the crowd of grieving soldiers unveiled their hidden guns under their black coats, and fired the first shots of a firefight.

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