Chapter 69: Calm Before The Storm

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   Months later, we have built our bases in Australia because of the Global Alliance's assistance in our mock invasion.

   News of our fake invasion spread like wildfire. Millions of Australians clamored for the death of the Worker's Army, which we disguised as. Sydney is being rebuilt, with the help of the GA, due to our excessive damage to the area.

   I'm being stationed at Base 457, our newest military installation. I waited for orders from Boss, no, from Madame,the commander of the Global Intelligence Force which I have temporarily operated in.

     Boss is still lounging at his cabin in Switzerland anyway. I still can't believe that he sold us to a international government organization that will dominate the world and establish communist rule.

    I wanted to quit, but I know they have a way to kill me.

    But this is not over yet. Something tells me that my chance for revenge is just around the corner.

    I read the reports on my Holo. We have been waging war on the enemy's hidden supply lines, factories, power plants, and Philippinium meteorite  mines.

    We have suffered many casualties: an estimated number of a thousand people dead and injured  We weren't able to retake our old headquarters.

    But we will start anew here in the Australian soil. Fighting on the soil of the East States, Independent Alaska and Europe. We were winning.

June 13 2081,1301 hours, Australia

   When the preparations for the reconnaissance mission were completed, I send HAWK and FALCON Reconnaissance Elements, our most high-tech group of invisiblity-capable high speed UAVs, with our most elite pilots controlling them at a safe distance to the supposed location of the unknown islands.

    I reviewed our weapons sales and funds on the Holo-screen. Still, the enemy outnumbered us on sales and profits, even if we destroyed their factories and supply lines. Their products is top-shelf quality, I admit. I didn't want this clandestine war in the first place.

    It will take a few days to reach their location.

    After three days, they have spotted a large floating vessel.

  The elusive flying fortress.

   I viewed their progress on the reconnaissance mission from their cameras.

     Our planes encircled 500km away the flying fortress. Their cameras zoomed in the fortress.

    As big as three aircraft carriers, this flying fortress is actually 3 super-skycarriers permanently melded together by a large bridge-like structure. Flying drones and fighter jets patrolled the perimeter around the fortress.

   The hulls is filled with turrets. Aircraft, big or small, landed on the shielded runway. A relatively patrol boat dropped from the large baydoors of the floating fortress.

    I ordered elements HAWK and FALCON to exfilrate the area and fly back to base.

   Later, I have received a order that the Extreme Operations Unit will be deploying here in only three days. They will help to infiltrate the flying fortress.

    Most people think that war is full of action, for example the new recruits in training, or people who never been in a battlefield.

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