Move on

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At the end of the day, everyone had agreed to go out for drinks, except Stevie. The last thing she felt like doing was partying. Well, with others anyway. As soon as she came home, she opened a halfway empty already bottle of brandy and took a generous gulp, without pouring it into a glass first. Creasing her eyebrows, she swallowed it down, putting the bottle away, going to the bedroom in search for her stash of coke.

Only that she soon realized she was all out.

Sitting down on the edge of the bed, Stevie bit on her lower lip, thinking. She shouldn't even be doing it to start with, but she was in too deep... Really, she couldn't say she occasionally did the drug at parties, no, she was addicted to it.

The very first person coming to her mind was Mick. Sure he would have some to share. If needed, she wouldn't mind actually buying it from him either. But the band went out, she then remembered. Checking the time, she saw that it had been a couple of hours now, since she didn't return home right away after leaving the studio. They all would have to be smashed by now; alcohol, lots of pot smoking and a couple of lines of coke had to have done the trick by now.

"Oh, what the hell..." She said out loud and went to put her boots back on, she wasn't going to call Mick beforehand, she would try her luck.

Paying to the cab driver, Stevie got out of the car, wrapping a shawl around herself, as she walked up the driveway to the front door of Mick's mansion. There were no lights, she noticed, cursing herself already that she didn't call him first. Ringing the doorbell anyway, she waited and actually not too long, as the door was opened by Mick.

"Stevie?" He looked very surprised.

"Thank God you're here, I didn't know if you were still with the band or not."

"Yeah, no, no I'm back as you can see." He seemed very fidgety. "So, what's up?"

Raising an eyebrow, Stevie asked. "Well, aren't you going to let me in?"

"Oh, right. Sure." Mick tried to laugh it off, opening the door wider. "Did you want something?"

"I was wondering if maybe you had any..."

"Of course." He nodded, understanding right away. "I'll be back in a moment. Make yourself at home."

Stevie went to the living room sitting down on the couch, as she relaxed, knowing she was going to get her fix in minutes. Although, Mick's moment was taking a lot longer than just that. She stood up to go look for him, but they almost bumped right into each other, as she was leaving the room and Mick was taking the last step down.

"Careful!" He laughed, showing her to go back into the room. "Why didn't you join us for drinks?"

"Do you really have to ask me that?" Stevie sat down Indian style next to Mick, who started lining up the white powder for the both of them. "I haven't said one word, haven't given any reason for Lindsey to be a jerk today, but he was on top form."

"Well, he doesn't really need a reason, does he?" Mick joked, but it was true, lately anyway.

"I'm this close to regretting about agreeing to do another album."

"No, come on, Stevie don't say that. Haven't you read any magazines? Everyone's talking about you, you're the biggest attraction to Fleetwood Mac. If you left us, we would go right back to where you and Lindsey picked us up from."

"I love being in the band, it's just... why can't we all get along? We're all broken up, right, but we can't dwell on it forever, now can we?"

"This is exactly what I meant, bringing this up at the studio earlier today." Mick nodded, presenting Stevie with a line. "Enjoy." He winked.

Only a few minutes later, there was nothing left after they both took turns in snorting the drug into their systems. They then lay back against the couch, with their eyes closed, not saying a word.

The quiet moment didn't last very long, as Mick opened his eyes, feeling Stevie straddle his lap, tossing the shawl away. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Huh?" She frowned.


"Shut up, Mick." Leaning in closer, she kissed him on the lips, having him respond quickly, feeling his hands place themselves on her thighs, as she moaned into his mouth. The next thing he knew, she had his belt unbuckled and the button and the fly undone, which made him stop her again. "The hell is your problem, Mick?" Raising her voice, she threw her hands up in the air annoyed. She was Stevie Nicks. Nobody said no to her.

"I don't want to have sex with you."

Looking completely offended, she climbed off of him. "What do you mean by that?"

"That's exactly what I mean, gee." He adjusted his clothes and before Stevie could say anything back, there was another, female, voice.


Stevie lifted her eyes up, her mouth agape. "Sara? What... what are you doing here?"

"Oh, Stevie... I... I wasn't expecting you to be here."

"Well, I can say the same to you. Care to explain?" She looked down at Mick again, who was still seated, as if nothing of importance was going on.

"I didn't want you to find out this way." He stood up now approaching Sara, who was looking slightly afraid of her friend, who was currently staring her down. "But..." Shrugging his shoulders, he took Sara by the hand. "I care about you, Stevie, but I fell in love with Sara. We both know that nothing serious would have ever come out of our relationship."

"Excuse me? We were making plans just a couple of weeks ago!" Stevie yelled. "How could you do this to me?" Looking over at Sara. "You knew how much I needed Mick, you knew I had feelings for him."

"I'm sorry, but... I can't help how I feel."

"How you feel." Stevie scoffed. "You simply thought that by being Mick Fleetwood's girlfriend you might actually get a shot at being a singer, that's all, as being Stevie Nicks' friend didn't do you any good it seems."

"There's no need to get personal." Mick interrupted. "We had a great time together, Stevie, but I'm moving on. So, should you."

"Wow..." Running a hand through her hair, she felt tears filling her eyes, but she wouldn't cry in front of the two. "All I can say is I'm happy you found each other." Her voice dripping with sarcasm, as she stormed out, not giving a chance for either Mick or Sara to say something else.

Who was she going to turn to now?

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