Why, Lindsey?

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The day was nearing the end, all members taking another five minutes from each other, which usually would go on up to at least fifteen. Stevie wanted to be by herself, she didn't want to talk to anyone or do anything. She was shocked how Lindsey could turn into a completely different man from the one she was with in the morning, and she didn't quite get over it yet. Why did he feel the need to treat her this way? She knew she tore his heart in two when she broke up with him, but that happens, couples break up and move on. Even though he had a girlfriend, apparently, he just couldn't go on with his life still. 

The thing was, that if Lindsey had approached her, if they talked everything out and he admitted how he still had feelings for her, Stevie wouldn't think twice about giving their relationship another chance. She knew that no matter with how many others she tried to replace him, it would never work, there was no space in her heart for anyone but him.

Feeling someone nudge her, Stevie looked to her left and smiled at John, who sat down next to her. She closed her journal and turned slightly more towards him.

"Everything okay?"

"Yeah." She nodded, replying not very convincingly.

"You shouldn't let him get to you like that."

"I can't." 

Sighing, John shook his head sadly. "You poor thing." 

"Since when are you so good at reading me?"

"Everybody knows it, Stevie, nobody talks about it. Sure, Mick mentions it when it comes to your songs, but the other stuff. No one wants to interfere."

"What do you mean, other stuff?"

"Come on, you two love each other and hate each other for it just as much."

Stevie didn't really know what to say to that, was it that obvious? But then everyone else returned and she stared at John for another moment, before facing Christine, as she was asked a question. 

"What do you say we head out for drinks later tonight?"

"I, uh..." Shrugging her shoulders.

"Maybe we would meet some cute guys." Chris joked, while Stevie wished that bit wasn't voiced aloud, instantly noticing Lindsey's demeanor changing.

"Not tonight, Chris. I think I'll just stay in."

"Wow!" Lindsey exclaimed. "You mean, you don't enjoy fucking the first guy who looks your way anymore?"

"Why, Lindsey?" Stevie asked. She was done taking abuse, of any kind, from him. "Do you get some kind of kick out from humiliating me every chance you get? What have I done so horrible to you to deserve this kind of behavior from you? Do you feel better about yourself when you talk shit about me? Or are you trying to maintain some image in front of these guys?" She mentioned the band, the other three members sitting quietly, listening, at the same time, fearing for what might come next. "Because you're no tough guy. You say mean things to me while we're here, you have Carol hanging onto you as if her life depended on it and then you come to my place, getting all emotional, telling me how I destroyed you, then spend the whole night in my bed? And let me tell you, Carol Ann dearest..." She faced the other woman. "...we didn't have sex - we made love. The whole of last night and this morning too."

Deathly silence followed. In all truthfulness, the Brits found it rather amusing, the way Stevie finally stood up for herself, while Lindsey was lost for words, not in a million years thinking she would have come out with it in front of everyone, and Carol sat with her mouth agape and, as usual, eyes full of tears.

After a minute, once it all sunk in, Lindsey stood up, walking towards Stevie, who started feeling very uncomfortable, but she wasn't going to back down, since she was so deep into it now. Mick and John stared at the two with eyes wide, ready to hold Lindsey back if he so much as tried raising his hand.

But he didn't, coming to stand only inches apart from her, as he said in an oddly calm and low tone of voice. "You do hate me after all." Then turned the other way and slammed the door.

Soon Carol went after him, leaving Stevie standing in the middle of the room, she was going to break down any moment, the turmoil of emotions getting the best of her at last. 

"Well, I think it's safe to say we're done for today." Mick spoke up and left.

Christine knelt in front of her friend. "Stevie? Are you alright?"

"No." She said honestly. "How the fuck do you think I can be okay now, Chris?" She cried, drawing her knees to her chest, resting her head on them. "I can't do this anymore. I just can't do this anymore!"

"You need to calm down, love. Please, don't think about what just happened, don't cry." Stroking her back, Christine wasn't really sure what else to say. What was there to say?

"I'll be fine." She sniffled and repeated. "I'll be fine. Go. I want to be by myself."

"You sure?"

"Mhm." Giving a small nod. 

"Call me if anything."

"I will."

"Johnny?" Chris turned to her ex-husband. "Aren't you leaving?"

"I will, yeah. Soon." That evening and night he shared with Stevie, he felt it developed some kind of bond between them. She opened up a great deal to him and he couldn't leave her like that. "I'll drive you home." He said, when it was only the two of them. 

"No, you don't have to. I'll call a car."

"I'll drive you home." John said again, physically picking her up off the floor. 

"Again?" Stevie smiled weakly, appreciative of what he was doing.

"As long as it takes until you get your shit together."

That made her laugh a little and she gave in. "You're a good person, too John." She echoed his words, looking up at him as they stood in front of each other. 

"Well, I wouldn't want to find you in some club with a stranger's hand up your dress again."

"Why are you doing this?"

Keeping silent for a moment, he then shrugged. "I don't know."

"But I'm grateful, I am."

"I know." He showed towards the door. "Come on, let's go." Putting an arm around her shoulders.

But of course, they couldn't leave just like that. The first person they met outside was Lindsey, smoking a cigarette all by himself. He turned to look at the sound of the door opening and closing. He glared at Stevie and John, shaking his head as he stubbed out the cigarette and got into his own car.

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