Could you?

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As soon as Stevie left Mick's, she broke down. She was angry with herself to be crying over what happened, she wasn't sure why it affected her so badly. On the other hand, she got betrayed by one of her best friends and also by the man she grew very attached to. She couldn't say she was in love with him, definitely not, but Mick was there for her when her relationship with Don Henley went to hell. He told her it would be okay, that she had people who cared for her, who would help her through yet another break up. He became more protective of her, he listened to her talk and that was really all that she needed. She felt safe with him. It also never crossed her mind that maybe Mick took advantage of her fragile state. She hated to admit it, but honestly, she could have 'loved' anyone at that point and it simply happened to be Mick. Not to mention the heavy alcohol and drug use that made everything all that easier.

The best way to numb her heartache was going out and seeking attention from some stranger, usually, none of them turning her away, providing her with a false feeling of self-worth. Without thinking clearly, Stevie was in the car, on the way to the place where the rest of the band would usually gather, since she knew people there, giving her more confidence that if anything, someone from those who worked there, would take care of her. She wasn't that reckless...

Wearing a black chiffon backless dress, Stevie was presented with a drink almost the second she sat down at the bar, winking at the man that the barman showed at. 

"All by yourself tonight?" James, the bartender asked. He had seen Stevie and Fleetwood Mac there lots of times.

"Yeah, I'm not in the mood to be drinking with the rest. To be honest, they've been driving me insane lately."

"Well, no worries." James half-smiled, looking around. "I'm sure you'll find company in here." 

"Oh, I most certainly am not worried about that, Jamie." She smirked, hopping off the high stool, walking over to the one who bought her the drink. "Hi."

"Hello." The man seemed slightly surprised, that she approached him. 

"I wanted to thank you." She said, taking a sip of brandy from the glass. "How did you guess my preference?"

"Well, you don't seem to be into pink champagne to me." Shrugging his shoulders, he replied. "I'm Dave, by the way."


"Oh I know, who you are." 

"Do you now?" Raising an eyebrow, she leaned against the bar, almost having to look at the man over her shoulder. 

"I can't imagine one person, who doesn't." Dave took the opportunity to give her a better look, when Stevie faced away from him. His eyes drifted down her back and to her behind, that she pushed out more than was necessary. "Aren't you afraid coming in here on your own?"

"Why would I be?" 

"Well, someone might buy you a drink and seduce you with their sweet tongue."

"Someone like you? Besides, I love a sweet tongue."

"Mmm? Is that so?" Feeling like he could touch her by now, the back of his hand slid down her arm and up again. "You're really beautiful."

"Or maybe you just want to fuck me. That's what everyone else seems to want now anyway." 

"I can't say that I don't if I'm being truthful." His palm settled on the small of her back. 

Stevie looked at him again, without saying anything for a moment. Although, she wasn't aware she wasn't the only one watching Dave right now...

"Good, I like that. What's the point of dancing around the subject, when we both know what's going to happen."

"I definitely didn't think I was going to get Stevie Nicks in my bed coming here tonight."


"I feel like those are in order." Dave nodded, laughing. "You are the talk of the town after all." His hand was gradually moving lower. "Mm... You've got a really nice ass." Not caring about other people around them, he sneaked his hand up her dress, stroking her inner thigh. "I'm already getting hard..."

"Hm, that didn't take much." Taking a swig of the brandy, she said, not at all phased by what he was doing in public, for absolutely everyone to see. She didn't find the man to be very attractive, she just knew it wasn't going to take much effort to get what she wanted from him, since he was making moves a couple of minutes after saying hello to each other.

"What do you say we get out of here? I can't wait to get you naked and feast on your sweet juicy-"

"Get your hands off her." 

Feeling a hand on his shoulder, forcefully spinning him around, Dave didn't have much choice but to do so, Stevie turning around too. "John? What the hell?!"

"No, Stevie, it's me who should be asking that! You're better than this!" 

She was taken aback, never had she seen John McVie like this. He would usually keep to himself, with a beer not too far out of reach, a cigarette between his lips and his bass across his lap. 

"Look, I appreciate your concern, but you don't have to take care of me. I can handle this by myself."

"Clearly, you're not doing it." He said honestly. "How is it going to make it all better if you go home with this joke and have a cheap thrill for two seconds?"

"Okay, what's going on here? Are we leaving together or not?" Dave interrupted, before Stevie answered.

"No." John said sternly. "She's going with me."

"What? I'm not!"

"Yes, you are." John took her by the hand and took big strides outside, Stevie nearly tripping over a few times. 

"What was that all about?!" She yelled.

"It was me being your friend, Stevie. You can hate me for it all you want, but your shenanigans are getting out of hand. You're not half the woman that you were, when you joined Fleetwood Mac. You're destroying yourself. Sleeping around with strangers isn't helping."

Then she grew quiet, lowering her eyes, as they filled with tears. Nobody had really told her that to her face.

"I'm not trying to be mean, I'm not trying to hurt your feelings. It's just... it's painful to watch."

After a moment of silence, Stevie said. "Thank you for being there."

"Yeah, good thing I didn't leave when everyone else did." 

Sniffling, she shrugged her shoulders. "Why not, since everybody is leaving me..."

Suddenly, John started feeling uncomfortable. He wasn't very good with feelings and emotions, especially the drama surrounding the band. 

"I'll take you home."

She nodded her head and didn't disagree to it.

The car drive was quiet, as John spent it looking out the window, only once tearing his gaze away from it, when he felt Stevie's small hand slip into his. 

Like promised, John walked with her right up to the door, where they stopped, Stevie searching for the key. Once she found it, she pushed it into the lock, John waiting until she was inside her home, to make sure she really did stay there.

"I'll see you tomorrow."

"John, wait." Stevie called after him, when he turned to leave.

"What is it?"

"I don't want to be alone..." She admitted quietly.

He hesitated. What on earth was he supposed to do?

"Could you please stay?" She asked...

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