Don't tell her, please?

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While Stevie was in Phoenix, Lindsey was determined to get through to Mick and make him see that letting Stevie finish the album with the whole group would be a lot easier and a lot faster. And he thought maybe it would be better not to approach Mick after one of their sessions, but over a few drinks, without any hangers-on.

So, Lindsey invited Mick to his and Stevie's home. He knew she wouldn't approve, but he was simply trying to make things better...

It was going on nine in the evening and there was no sight of Mick. Lindsey hated that. Punctuality was important to him. Exhaling heavily, Lindsey went to the kitchen and grabbed a beer for himself, before going to the living room. But he didn't get to sit for long, hearing banging on the front door. Great, he's probably wasted... Lindsey thought to himself, going to let his guest in.

Opening the door, Lindsey frowned, seeing about ten people behind Mick. And yes, they weren't sober.

"What's this, Mick?"

"You've asked me over for drinks, didn't you? I brought a party with me!"

"I did, true, but I also hoped we could talk."

"Oh cheer up, mate. You need to loosen up!" Stumbling inside the house, Mick showed the others to follow. He noticed some of them being from the studio, naturally, there were girls among the group too.

"Just... just don't make a mess." Lindsey sighed, shutting the door.

The room was filled with people, everyone making themselves comfortable, bottles of different kinds of alcohol put on the table already, the women Mick brought, draped over the men.

"Umm, Mick?" Lindsey raised his voice, to get the drummer's attention. "Mick!"

"Huh?" He faced Lindsey, who showed him to come along. "What is it?"

"That's not what I had in mind, asking you to come over." Lindsey tipped his head into the direction of where the party was happening. "I need to talk to you and I can't do that with a bunch of strangers around."

Mick noticed Lindsey wasn't happy, so he thought for a moment, before speaking. "They'll be gone soon. A couple more drinks in their systems, a few lines and I promise, I'll get them out of here."

"Uh, fine."

"Why don't you join us for now though? When was the last time you had fun?"

"A few beers won't hurt, I guess." Lindsey shrugged, going back to the living room, looking for a spot to sit down.

As an hour or two passed, Lindsey found himself enjoying the company of these people, whose names he was still trying to memorize. Mick was right, ever since he and Stevie got back together and especially when they found out about the baby, parties were nonexistent.

Before long, Lindsey was joined by a busty blonde, as she sat down next to him. He wasn't going to start a conversation, but he couldn't completely ignore her either – she was gorgeous. Younger.

"Nice place you have."

"It's actually not mine, my girlfriend's."

"Oh. And where is she?"

"Umm, away for a few days."

"I can barely hear you." The woman leaned closer, whispering into his ear, while her palm was on his leg. "Can we go some place quieter?"

"Su...sure." Lindsey shrugged, leading the way out to the terrace. "I didn't catch your name."


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