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Being interrupted for what felt like a hundredth time in the last hour, Stevie thought she should have just waited for her mother to show up. But the nervous energy wouldn't let her sit still. Moving from the vanity to the bed, where Ari lay in the middle, Stevie climbed on it, sitting down Indian style. 

"You, little miss, are keeping Mommy from getting ready for a very special occasion. I can't marry Daddy without looking my best for him, now can I?" Stevie talked to the baby as if she was going to reply. "How about we try this one more time?"

The second Stevie stepped away from the bed, Arielle starting fussing once again, making Stevie sigh, as she got back next to her daughter and waited until Barbara arrived from the airport. 

"Where is she?" Were the first words, as soon as Stevie opened the door.

"Nice to see you too, Mom, I'm doing great! What about you?" Rolling her eyes, Stevie closed the door, when her father and brother entered, greeting them both with hugs. "And she's in the master bedroom."

No one from Stevie's side of the family had seen Ari since she was about a month old, which made them very excited about seeing the girl. Allowing the three some time with the baby, Stevie then walked into the bedroom, leaning against the doorway.

"So, am I like... completely irrelevant now?" She joked. "You get a cuter smaller version of me and that's that, huh?"

"You know that couldn't be farther from the truth." Barbara glanced at Stevie, while holding her granddaughter. "Besides, didn't you want us to look after her, while you're getting ready for the wedding?"

"Yes, I did. And thank you for coming, I can't imagine this day without my family here." Stevie said, smiling as she joined her parents and Chris, looking over the little girl.

"She looks exactly like you, sis." Chris looked from Ari to his older sister. "It's hard to believe Lindsey had something to do with making her."

"I would appreciate it if we skipped the topic about the making." Jess asked and everyone laughed. 

They talked some more, before Stevie looked at the time and she knew she had to get working on her hair and makeup if she was going to be ready on time. 

Leaving Ari in the capable hands of her grandfather, Barbara re-entered the bedroom, as she smiled to herself. This was the only right way for her daughter, she only ever saw Stevie marrying Lindsey. She knew that somehow the two would end up together and she couldn't have been happier, seeing Stevie's reflection in the mirror, as she was smiling too, probably not even realizing it.

"You've waited long enough, haven't you." It was more rhetorical, as Barbara sat down on the edge of the bed. 

"I believe I have, yes." Stevie nodded, glancing at her mother briefly. "Although, there had been more moments than not, that I thought this would never happen at all."

"And who's to blame, mm?"


"I'm just saying that if you two learned how to communicate and put your differences aside sooner, you would have already been married, without having to go through all that heartbreak."

"I get what you're saying, but you know, I feel like having survived all of that, the bond between Lindsey and I is stronger now that it has ever been. It's like, we definitely know we're meant for each other."

"And I understand that. You two never gave up, that is what's most important."

"I just... I love him so much." Stevie put everything away, sighing, as she couldn't stop smiling. "Sure we can't get any closer to each other than having Arielle, but I'm so excited about finally being Lindsey's wife. It didn't really mean anything to me before, but now I really want that."

"And I'm sure it makes him just as excited, you know how much he wanted you to share his last name, probably ever since you two first started dating. Remember, how you told me he would just casually throw that in from time to time?"

Nodding, Stevie laughed. "Yeah, we would often talk about it actually. Only that I always thought it was a dream of two very young people, who were madly in love with each other."

"Well, apparently, dreams do come true." Barbara said, with a smile on her face.

Several hours later, the small group of guests, who had been invited, had all arrived and taken their seats in the beautiful garden. Stevie was already in her dress, looking through the window, chuckling to herself at how nervous Lindsey seemed to be, checking his watch every few seconds, as if thinking his bride wasn't going to show up. 

In a couple of minutes, there was a knock on the door, Stevie's father coming into the room. "My my... You look beautiful, Stephanie."

"Thank you." She said, giving him a hug. 

"Are you ready?"

"As ready as I'll ever be." She nodded, taking Jess' hand.

Seeing Stevie come outside, made Lindsey as if paralyzed. He stood frozen, looking at the woman he loved more than life itself, walking towards him, knowing she was about to become his wife. Stevie - his wife. He had seriously started doubting whether it would ever become a reality. 

Once they approached the end of the aisle, Jess looked at Lindsey pointedly, mustering the most serious expression, saying. "I trust you to take care of my daughter, Lindsey. I hope you realize just how special she is."

Giving a small nod, Lindsey then held out his hand, taking Stevie's, once Jess let go and went to sit with Barbara, who had Ari in her lap, the girl being very intrigued with what was going on. 

The ceremony seemed to have gone by in a blink of an eye. Having just heard, 'Dearly beloved...', Lindsey and Stevie were pronounced husband and wife, as he was now leaning in to kiss his blushing, and very emotional, bride.

"We're married." Lindsey said, as if to assure himself, pressing his forehead against Stevie's, as they both laughed, sharing another brief kiss. "I can't believe we're actually married!"

"Better believe it, honey." She said. "It's a whole new chapter for our little family." 

Lindsey pecked her on the lips again, as he then took her by the hand and they turned to walk down the aisle, accepting congratulations as they were passing by their closest friends and family.

While everyone was still outside, Lindsey slid one arm around Stevie's waist, giving her a proper kiss, causing her to bend backwards. She had to break it, taking in a deep breath of air. "There's no rush, Linds, we're leaving for the honeymoon soon!" She laughed, as he helped her stand up straight again. 

"I'm not sure I can wait that long, Mrs. Buckingham."

"Gee, that sounds weird. Good weird, though."

"You've made me the happiest man on earth, Steph, you really have." He cupped her cheek, running his thumb over her soft skin, suddenly getting chocked up, as she just smiled lovingly at him.

It didn't take long before their privacy got interrupted, as everyone came to congratulate the newlyweds once more. A party followed after that, at which Stevie and Lindsey didn't stay for too long. They said goodbye to their guests, taking a longer moment with Ari, as neither of them had been without her yet. Then a car arrived to pick them up and drive the two to their airport. The honeymoon was planned by Lindsey, Stevie didn't have a clue of where they would be spending it and she was very excited.

Once their suitcases were loaded in the trunk of the car, they climbed in, sitting together, as Stevie snuggled up by Lindsey's side, him pressing a kiss to her hair, as he then rested his chin on the top of her head.

"Did you ever honestly believe we would get here?" He asked.

As she replied... "In my heart of hearts - always."



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