Get him back

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If it had been two years ago, Lindsey would have gone straight to some bar, got smashed and picked up the first woman, he found even a little bit attractive. But not now. He was extremely angry with Stevie, of course he was, but he knew that doing something impulsive, would only make matters worse. What she did, didn't change the fact he loved her, because he did, from the bottom of his heart. Lindsey simply needed some time and space to go through this on his own first, before he tried doing it with Stevie. 

He booked himself a room at a hotel. He did, however, open a bottle of whiskey and picked up his guitar, naturally every song he started playing was about Stevie. A few times he got mad about it, throwing the instrument away, but then he placed it across his lap again, eventually, feeling the level of anger inside of him beginning to lower. Music had always been his way of healing.

Meanwhile, Stevie was besides herself. She was absolutely certain, she screwed everything up, that Lindsey despised her and he was most likely in some other woman's embrace by now. The only solace for her at the moment was their daughter. Being close to Ari, made Stevie believe she was close to Lindsey. Carrying their daughter everywhere she went, Stevie also mostly cried, cursing herself, not understanding what the hell was wrong with her in that delivery room. No matter what she thought, she should have listened to her mother - Barbara was always right!

It was dark now, there was no sign of Lindsey returning. Having utterly exhausted herself with crying, Stevie fed Ari before bedtime, lay her down in the crib and then went to bed herself, skipping her nightly routine altogether.

As if the girl sensed something was very wrong with her parents, she was restless through the whole night, Stevie only getting ten, fifteen minutes of rest here and there. Having to get up once again, Stevie glanced at the clock and it was very early in the morning, thinking that Arielle was probably hungry. Feeding the baby with eyes half closed, Stevie lulled the girl back to sleep once more and went back to the bedroom.

It had to be hours later, when Stevie woke up, feeling re-energized, checking the time to see it was nearly eleven in the morning. Her heart almost jumped out of her chest, thinking that she was beyond tired and couldn't hear her baby, but when she practically ran into the nursery, she was shocked to find Lindsey there.

"You came back..." 

"I never said I wouldn't." He replied, looking down at his daughter, as he sat with her in his arms in the rocking chair.

Seeing as she wasn't going to get anything more out of him, Stevie went to take over their daughter. "She must be starving. I can't believe I slept for so long."

"Well, you clearly needed it." Lindsey said, allowing her to sit down and feed Ari. 

A part of her thought he was going to be uncomfortable and leave, but he didn't, watching what was going on in front of him. 

"I didn't do anything stupid." Lindsey felt like telling her, knowing she had to have come up with a thousand different things in her head. 

"I'm very glad to hear that, I was worried." He was talking to her, this wasn't a bad start, even if she felt him being distant when he spoke. "Where were you?"

"At a hotel."

"Are you going back there tonight?"

"No, but I am sleeping in the guest room."

Stevie nodded. "I understand. I'm just happy you're home."

Silence followed, as Lindsey didn't want Stevie to get the impression they were back to normal, only because they were talking, and Stevie didn't want to ask too many questions, knowing it would irritate him. If he wanted, he would be speaking on his own terms.

Putting Ari to bed, Stevie went downstairs and into the kitchen for breakfast. Lindsey joined her not too long after, lingering in the doorway. Despite how mad he was at her, it was still so unbelievably to hard to be away from her.

"Would you like something to eat?"

"No, a cup of coffee would be nice, though."

"Okay." Stevie said, going to put the kettle on and taking out two mugs out of the cabinet. "When are you going back on the road?"

"I'm not sure I am, although, Mick would probably kill me if I didn't."

"Why don't you want to return?"

"Because I want to be with our daughter."

They fell silent once again, as Stevie poured boiling water into the mug for him, setting it in front of him, while she made tea for herself. But Lindsey didn't leave, as she moved around the kitchen, then sat down at the table to eat.

"How much do you hate me?" Stevie asked, surprising Lindsey.

"I don't hate you. I'm hurt by you."

"Which is probably even worse..." She hung her head low, suddenly losing her appetite.

"It's going to take some time, but it doesn't mean I'm calling off our engagement and moving out."

"You love me still?" 

"Of course I love you."

"I really needed to hear that." She said, smiling a little. 

Lindsey then took a deep breath, pushing his chair backwards, not wanting to get too deep into his emotions, because it usually made him give in. "I need to take a shower." He walked out of the kitchen, leaving Stevie by herself.

She realized they were far from being on good terms, as he was clearly rather cold towards her, but he said he loved her. That was all she could ask for at the moment. If she tried hard enough, she knew she would eventually get him back.

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