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Stevie returned from Phoenix in less than a week. She missed Lindsey, but the time she spent with her parents did her a world of good. She came back more relaxed, being able to think straight again too. The first day, after picking Stevie up from the airport, Lindsey didn't let her out of his sight, which at the beginning was cute, then it grew increasingly more annoying, but it wasn't easy telling him that. 

Then the following day came and Stevie was getting ready to accompany Lindsey to the studio. He told her about the talk he had with Mick, leaving some of it out of course, but it didn't necessarily made her jump from joy. She felt as if Mick agreed just for the sake of it.

When the two arrived, they met Christine outside the building, smoking a cigarette and as soon as she saw the couple, she opened her arms widely, wanting to give Stevie a big hug, having missed the only other female in the band. But then Chris caught herself wanting to do it and first, threw the cigarette out, before pulling Stevie to herself.

"That's no good for the little one."

Stevie smiled, backing off, nodding her head. "That is true."

"Oh, come here!" Christine exclaimed, hugging Stevie again. She was also silently thinking to herself just how much she hated the thought of Stevie leaving for good... They hadn't seen each other for about two weeks and it already felt like a lifetime.

Soon, they were heading towards the room, where Mick and John were, Stevie yet again getting anxious. You just never knew with Mick, she couldn't possibly guess how he was going to act, but she really didn't want them to have another fight.

Christine went in first, holding Stevie by the hand, as Lindsey entered last, closing the door behind. "Look who I found!"

"Well, hi there, stranger." John half smiled, getting up from his seat to greet Stevie, moving to shake hands with Lindsey after. 

She couldn't ignore Mick, it already felt awkward enough. She was surprised though, that he couldn't act like a man and be the one to approach her. 

"Mick." Stevie gave him a small nod, which he returned, Stevie looking over at Lindsey, widening her eyes, as he showed her to calm down. 

They all sat down, Mick unable to look away, seeing Stevie absolutely glowing, as she rested against the back of the couch, not at all hiding her belly. She was four months pregnant and it showed. However, Mick did stop staring, when Lindsey leaned in and asked Stevie something, then took her hand, entwining their fingers together.

Not much time passed, when Mick addressed Stevie, asking her for a few minutes alone. 

"Sure." She nodded, standing up, as she followed him outside. 

They stood in the hallway, Mick clearly having something on his mind, but unable to form a sentence.

"So?" Stevie crossed her arms over her chest. "What did you want to say to me?"

"I'm sorry." He came out with it at last. "I know you must dislike me a lot, but I hope you accept my apology, because it's sincere. I'm sorry for how I behaved when you told us you were leaving, for the things I said and how I continued acting towards you."

"Thank you. And I do accept your apology. I never meant for this to be such a huge thing, Mick. I'm simply doing what I think is right. Like my Dad told me, things like bands come and go, but this is my child we're talking about. I hate that it has to end this way, but to me, my baby is the most important thing in the world."

Nodding his head, Mick sighed. "I understand, I do. And it is going to suck when you really leave, you're a massive part of Fleetwood Mac. But... I respect your decision."

Smiling a little, Stevie approached him, raising on her tiptoes to give him a hug. "I'm glad we could resolve this nonsense. I also hope we're still friends?"

"Of course. I mean, that's completely up to you."

"Come on." Stevie waved it off. "This is not something we can't live through."

"I am sorry..." Mick repeated.

"I know." She said and led the way back to the other three, who seemed to have been holding their breaths from the moment Stevie and Mick walked out, until they returned alive and well.

Stevie and Lindsey arrived home around seven in the evening, Stevie going to start making dinner, while Lindsey was trailing behind her, like a tail. He wanted to know what she and Mick talked about, but if she hadn't told him herself yet, maybe she didn't want to speak about it? 

"Everything is alright, Lindsey." Stevie said, as if having read his mind.

"Oh thank God!" He let out a deep breath, now going to take a seat at the table. 

"He apologized, I accepted it and that's that." She shrugged, walking to the fridge to take out vegetables for salad. "Things are back to normal."

"Good, good." Lindsey nodded. "It was driving me nuts, to be honest."

"I know, I felt it." She chuckled, taking a couple of steps towards him, as she then placed her hands on his face. "Everything is just fine." She repeated, leaning down for a kiss. 

Wrapping his arms around her waist, Lindsey pressed his forehead against her belly, as she was running her fingers through his hair, relaxing him greatly. 

"What if we're having twins?" He then asked out of nowhere, the thought absolutely mortified Stevie, as she freed herself out of his grasp.

"Then I'm leaving you and getting a restraining order."

Lindsey laughed, saying. "I will help, you know. A baby for each of us."

"You can go to hell, Buckingham, with that kind of talk. I'm sure one will be plenty for us both."

He came up to her, placing his hands on her belly from behind, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "Fine. We'll put the second baby talk on hold for now."

"Thank you very much."

"I'll go shower, be back in about fifteen."


When Stevie was left by herself, she stopped doing the task at hand, taking a moment for all of it to sink in. She made up with Mick, she was back recording the album, she had Lindsey, they were expecting a baby.

She had been waiting for something bad to happen since the moment she and Lindsey became a couple again, but nothing really did. Maybe fate had used up all the tricks it had on them and it was time to stop worrying and start enjoying the life she now had?

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