You should listen to me

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"It's so good to see you smiling again, Stevie." Christine just thought she would tell her friend that, as they were gathering things after another day of recording.

"It feels good too. I'm... I've been so much happier these past couple of weeks, compared to how we started this album." 

"I'm glad you two are giving it another shot. It's also doing you two a world of good. Lindsey seems to be not as intense anymore, he doesn't get angry as easily either after being told something."

"No, I know. You're absolutely right." Stevie agreed. "You know... When he told me why he was the way he was towards me and after we got back together, we talk a lot about our issues too, and it helps. Obviously, we haven't sorted out everything, more like taking one step at a time, but I think we're headed the right direction."

"Somehow I feel you two are gossiping about me." Lindsey came up from behind them, taking Stevie by the hand, after she took her bag and was ready to go.

"Well, wouldn't you like to know." Stevie smirked, before turning to Christine again, as she said.

"Hey, what do you say we go out for drinks? You've been saying no to me too often lately, Nicks."

"I suppose, we could?" She asked Lindsey, who shrugged, nodding. "Mick, John?"

"Of course. They would be deeply hurt if we went out without them." Chris joked. "Right, so... usual place in an hour?"

"Sounds good." Stevie said and left with Lindsey to get ready.

Like agreed, the five met at their favorite spot about an hour later, Mick having a booth secured for them, since he arrived first. They all sat down, being served drinks in a matter of minutes.

"So, we haven't really been allowed in on this." Mick said, showing at now the only couple in the band. "I guess, things are going good though, as we're actually getting work done in the studio."

"They are." Stevie answered. "And thank you for not getting into it, before we felt like we could open up to you. You're like our family away from our real one and we love you, but Linds and I figured, that we could only work if it's just him and me in this relationship. I used to listen to too many people and their advice, he used to believe too many things... Hopefully, it's all in the past."

"I do wish you happiness. I'm glad we were all able to push through all that mess we've created for ourselves and things are how they were supposed to be." Mick said honestly. Dating Stevie caused a lot of hard feelings between him and Lindsey, then between him and Stevie, when he fell for her best friend. At times Mick still thought that relationships of the three of them would never fully recover.

"What's next?" Christine asked, sipping her wine. "Are you going to pop the question some time soon, Buckingham?"

"Well, gee, Chris thanks for putting me in this position!" Lindsey laughed, feeling slightly uncomfortable. 

"When the time is right, Christine." Stevie said, giving Lindsey's hand a squeeze.

"Wait..." He forgot about everyone else, looking at Stevie only. "You mean, you would actually like to get married?"

"Well, I... I mean..." Shrugging her shoulders. "Not now, but..." That put a smile to Lindsey's face. Every single time he had made even the smallest mention of marriage, when they first were together, Stevie would always find a way to ignore it and pretend it never happened.

The night went on and they were having a good time, since there was no tension in the air or daggers shooting. The glasses were nearly empty once again and Lindsey offered to go for refills. As he stood by the bar, waiting for the bartender, a woman took a seat next to him. At first she didn't say anything, but then she looked at him better and...

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