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Lindsey had spent a couple of days at home, but it was time to return to the rest of Fleetwood Mac for the shows they had left. He really didn't want to. Knowing he was now a father made him look at things a lot differently. He also wanted to be around his daughter, he wanted to raise her, not pay for someone else to do it, because obviously, Stevie needed help. She wasn't thrilled about him going away once again either. Even if things hadn't come back to normal, they still talked and it didn't feel so much as if Lindsey was doing it just because he had to. They were themselves, minus the affection they would otherwise show to each other. 

"Do you want me to pack your suitcase?" Stevie asked, coming into Lindsey's home studio, after she put Ari to bed for a nap. 

"If you don't mind, please." 

"Sure." She gave a small nod and turned to leave, but he called after her. 

"I just want to say thank you." Putting away his guitar, he stood up, taking a step closer.

"Thank you? For what?"

"For being patient with me."

"Lindsey, if either one of us has to thank the other, then it's me. I screwed up. Badly. I should be thankful that you're trying to forgive me and move on, instead of walking out on me."

"Well... I guess, there's both of our blame in this. And... I already forgave you. Without you, I wouldn't have Ari. So..."

"I can say the same back to you." She smiled a little. "And about what you said, I will be as patient as I have to, I'll wait for as long as I must, so I can feel you close again, because I love you."

"I love you, too." Lindsey said back, now standing right in front of her. She nervously awaited what he was going to do next, as he simply shrugged, saying. "One kiss can't hurt, can it?" Gripping her chin gently, he leaned in closer and softly kissed her lips, lingering just for a short moment. 

Quite clearly wanting more, Stevie left Lindsey alone, as she really couldn't ask him for anything else, this was considerably huge already, since it was the most intimate they had gotten to since he came home. But she was smiling to herself, going up the stairs and into the guest room, where he had spent the last few days, she knew they would get there. All in due time. 

Since Lindsey made sure he would get on the last plane that day, he spent every minute with Arielle, after she woke up from her nap. Stevie let him have it, even if she wanted to be a part of it too, she had already taken away from him too much. Her heart melted, seeing Lindsey being the most amazing father to their daughter, he was such a natural too. He wasn't there only for fun and games either, he helped out plenty and Stevie really wanted him to stay.

Sadly too soon, there was Lindsey, standing in the doorway to the nursery, where Stevie was with Ari and she knew right away, he was about to say his goodbyes. 

"Is she sleeping already?" He asked, watching her with the baby in the rocking chair. 

"No, we're just having some quiet time." 

Approaching the two, Lindsey picked the girl up, cradling her in his arms, as he pressed a kiss to her cheek. "Well, my sweet girl, I have to say goodbye to you for a while. Be good to Mommy, okay? I'm going to miss you lots, angel. I promise to come back soon." Kissing her on the forehead now, he then took a few steps over to the crib, laying her down, before he took Stevie by the hand and led her out of the room. "I have a flight to catch..." 

Stevie nodded, looking up at him. "I know. You're still not sure how long you will be gone for?"

"No. I asked Mick, but... well, you know him." Shrugging his shoulders, Lindsey picked up his suitcase and started walking downstairs. "I'll call you when I land. Or should I wait until tomorrow morning?"

"No, call me when you land." 

"Will do." Giving a nod of his head, he then wrapped her into a hug, pressing a kiss to her temple. "Goodbye."

"Goodbye." Stevie echoed and locked the door, once he was out.

Left alone, Stevie wasn't really up to doing anything. She suddenly felt so lonely, only now, for some reason, realizing just how much she needed Lindsey and how she was used to always having him around. It was still a little early for bed, though, so she decided to have a nice hot bath. While the water filled up the tub, she picked a clean nightgown, hanging it on the back of the bathroom door, as she waited. Taking all of her clothes off, she at last sank into the hot water and instantly relaxed, lying in the bathtub until the water got too cold. She then went to check on Ari again, before going back into the bedroom and getting into bed. She sighed in content, feeling as if she was about to fall asleep any second. 

It couldn't have been too long, since Stevie closed her eyes, because Ari hadn't woken her up once yet, when she felt a presence behind her, spooning her, as manly arms pulled her closer. She wasn't alarmed for one moment, knowing it was Lindsey; she would know him anytime anyplace. 

"Why are you back?" She asked sleepily.

"Because I really didn't want to leave you two again." He replied, lying his head on her pillow, as he buried his face in her hair, both of them drifting off to sleep in minutes.

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