It's not what you think

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Stevie was upset to say the least. 

She knew the news weren't going to go down very well with Mick, but she never expected him to react the way he did. It hurt and yet again she was feeling unbelievably guilty, Lindsey repeating over and over again that she didn't do anything wrong, she only did what she thought was best.

It had been a few days and it wasn't easy watching Lindsey leaving the house everyday, knowing he was going to work on the album, she was now a very small part of. He gave her a hug and a kiss before leaving every time and she would still look sad, telling him to just go.

Stevie realized that being this negative all the time was doing her no good and same went for the baby. She didn't want to leave Lindsey, the thought making her feel as if she was depriving him of the whole process of his baby growing inside of her, but she had to go away for a little while to get her head together.

Which was why she called her mother. 

"Hi, Mom. It's me."

"Oh sweetheart... It's been quite some time since the last we've heard from you."

"I know and I'm sorry."

"Is everything okay?"

"No. Not really."

"Would you like to talk about it?"

"There's... there's lots of things I have to tell you, Mom. Can I maybe spend a few days with you?"

"Of course, you know you're always welcome here."

"I'll talk it over with Lindsey and let you know when I'll be arriving."

After saying their goodbyes, Stevie hung up and went to the bedroom, to start packing. She was sure the sight of her suitcase by the door was going to alarm Lindsey...

Later, a lot later than the time he would usually come back, which made Stevie worry a little, since she really had no idea what went down in the studio now that she wasn't there, Lindsey walked through the front door, seeing as Stevie was obviously not downstairs, he jogged up to the second floor, going for their bedroom and the first thing his eyes settled on was her packed things.

"What the hell, Stevie?"

"It's not what you think." She got out of bed and walked up to him, greeting him with a kiss, also hoping it would calm him down. "I'm going to my parents for a little while, a week maybe."


"Because I need to, Lindsey." She simply said, going to sit down on the edge at the foot of the bed, him joining her. "Seeing you leave me, going to work with the band... it hurts me so much more than I thought it would. I need to not be around this until I'm okay to saying goodbye to you every morning and happily waiting for you to return home. If it makes any sense." She leaned more into him and he put his arm around her. "It's a lot harder than I thought it was going to be. Expecting a baby with you is the most wonderful thing that's ever happened to me, but because of it, I'm also walking away from my dream, that lasted way too short. Knowing that you're still living it and I'm no longer a part of it... it's not easy."

"Well, what can I say. I can't exactly tie you down either. But you have to promise me that you'll come back."

"Of course, Linds. I'm going to come back to you, I can't imagine it being any other way now." She pecked him on the cheek. "But I do have to go..."

Nodding his head, Lindsey sighed, once again trying his best to understand her actions. "Um... I talked to Mick. Very reluctantly, but he agreed to put the rest of your tracks on the album that we had planned on doing previously."

"I'm not going anywhere near him." Pulling away instantly, Stevie sat up straight. "I don't want to. He said he doesn't need me."

"You don't exactly have to be near him." Lindsey caught her attention, as she waited for him to explain. "It's a lot more hassle, but if you like, we can record your songs here at home, we would have to get really good takes though, then I would bring them to the band and we'll work on the rest there."

"I just don't know if Mick even deserves them to be honest."

"It's completely up to you, Steph, but.... Knowing you, I also know that you would regret it later if you decided on not doing it."

"I hate this whole damn thing!" She exclaimed out of nowhere. "Of course I want to do it, but it's like... it shouldn't be this complicated. We're grown up people and I know it sounds really childish when I say I don't want to be around Mick, but..." Shrugging her shoulders, she didn't really know how to put her feelings into words. "How does he want to do it?"

"He would prefer my way, you recording at home."

"Jesus... Well, I suppose we could do that, but maybe you could, I don't know, try and convince Mick that it's better for me to come to the studio, focus on getting the album finished and then he and I will never have to see each other?"

"I could try and talk to him, I will, but I wouldn't get your hopes up too high, babe. He's... he's really stubborn about this."

"Asshole." Lindsey couldn't help but laugh, making Stevie too. "Well, it's true."

"Hey, I'm not objecting."

"I'm sorry you're in the middle of this nonsense."

"It's alright. I'll manage." He waved it off, now returning to their previous subject. "When are you leaving exactly?"

"I'd like to tomorrow if you could drive me to the airport."


"Okay then, I'm leaving tomorrow. I promise I won't be gone for too long. I just need my Mom." Stevie said, smiling weakly. "I need her to tell me things are going to be okay."

"I understand that, I know how much she means to you."

"I hope I'll be half as good a mother as she is to me."

"Of course you will, you'll be the best." Lindsey outstretched his arm, taking Stevie's hand, pulling her closer as she ended up on his lap. "You'll be the hottest mother too."

"Oh here we go!" Stevie laughed, shaking her head at him. "You're so horny all the time, my God. Shouldn't it be the other way around?"

"As if you're not horny!"

Locking her hands around his neck, she raised an eyebrow, challenging. "Well then, aren't you going to do something about it?"

"You've asked for it." Lindsey winked, laying down flat on his back, bringing her with him, leaving kisses all over her face as she began to chuckle. 

"I love you, you big dork."

"Not half as much as I love you."

She smiled down at him, leaning in for a much more loving kiss...

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