I hope

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"Lindsey, I'm not leaving forever." Stevie said, when he hugged her for the third time, as they were saying their goodbyes at the airport. "I'll be back to annoy you before you know it."

"You never annoy me." She looked at him pointedly, as he shrugged. "Not anymore."

"That sure sounds better!" Stevie laughed, giving him another kiss, hoping this time he would let her go. "I love you."

"I love you too." Lindsey then placed his hand on her belly, adding. "You too. Behave, okay?"

A couple more minutes passed, until Stevie convinced Lindsey to leave her and go home, promising she would call as soon as she set foot into her parents' home. 

The flight was relatively short, Stevie getting into a cab once she was outside, as her things got loaded into the trunk of the car. She leaned back in the seat, looking out the window during the drive, this warm feeling in her heart, the excitement of seeing her parents. Although, she was slightly anxious too, she had a lot of news to tell; they did know roughly about Stevie and Lindsey being back together, but they had no idea about her having a baby nor leaving, currently, one of the biggest bands' in the world.

After paying the driver, Stevie got out of the car, saying thank you, when the man put her suitcase down on the ground next to her. She climbed several stairs up, now standing in front of the door, reaching to ring the bell. She didn't have to wait for long, Barbara appearing just seconds later.

"Stephanie..." She gasped, pulling her daughter into her arms. She would never admit it, but she felt that it was unfair, as the whole world got to see her daughter all the time and as a mother, she only got bits and pieces now. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too, Mom. I'm sorry I've become a stranger..." Stevie said, looking down, but Barbara waved it off and took her by the hand, bringing her inside the house. 

"Jess, she's here!"

Stevie waited for her father to come, holding onto her mother's hand, as if a little girl. She would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous about him finding out she was pregnant. After all, she still was that little girl in her Dad's eyes. 

As soon as Jess came down from the last step, Stevie was in his arms. She didn't realize just how much she truly had missed her parents and no matter how old she was - how much she still needed them. 

But then, somewhat unsure, he stepped back, looking his daughter in the eyes, then down at her belly. "You're..."

Stevie nodded. "I am."

"What?" Barbara frowned, she was so excited she hadn't even noticed anything. "What are you, Teedee?"

"I'm pregnant."


"Well, to be honest, I expected a happier reaction." Stevie  joked, looking from her Mom to her Dad, and back again. "Can you say something? Aren't you excited about becoming grandparents?"

"Of course we are." Jess finally said. "We just... we didn't expect it, to say the least."

"How about I get settled in my room and then we all sit down for a talk?" Stevie suggested, seeing her parents both giving her a nod. "I'll be right back."

But she wasn't quick to return.

Stevie took her time unpacking and changing her clothes, trying to understand why her parents reacted to her pregnancy the way they did. Or more like, the lack of reaction from them. Although, she knew she couldn't stay locked up in the room forever, coming down and into the living room about half an hour later.

"Okay, so..." Stevie cleared her throat, standing in front her parents, who were sitting down on the couch, waiting. "Fleetwood Mac went back into the studio a few weeks after we came back from the Rumours tour. It was hell. Lindsey and I were constantly bickering. Mick left me for Sara. Everything was just being destroyed before my eyes and..." Shrugging, she didn't exactly want to go in all the details. "I did everything to numb myself, which caused more arguments between me and Lindsey. Then one night he came to see me and we talked, he stayed and I thought things were going to get better, only that they didn't. It actually got so bad, that I exploded in front of everyone, including his now ex-girlfriend. I shared what was on my mind and that caused for the recording to be put on hold for several days, because Lindsey wouldn't show up after everything I said. I was convinced he hated me, although, he claimed it was the other way around. So... after doing some serious thinking, I went to see him and I told him that we're really freaking stupid, ruining the love that's still very obviously there. We stayed up late, admitting things to each other, opening up like we hadn't done in far too long. And..." She took a deep breath. "We've been back together since then."

"Is Lindsey the father?" It was the biggest fear of both Jess and Barbara to hear otherwise.

"Yes. He is. I'm three and a half months pregnant, we found out about a month ago."

"Well, that's wonderful then." Her mother was finally able to be happy. 

"So, you're not mad at me?" Stevie asked, as if she was about sixteen.

"No, Stephanie. I think, your mother and I were simply nervous about you telling us that someone else was going to be the other parent of your baby."

Sighing in relief, Stevie shook her head. "I wouldn't want it to be anyone else."

"It sure is a lot to take in, everything you just said."

"But that's not all." Stevie hated telling what was left. "I also quit Fleetwood Mac. I was going to finish recording the new album and leave then, but Mick let me know he doesn't need me anymore..."

"Aw, sweetheart..." Barbara got up to hug Stevie, seeing as she was already close to tears. 

"I tried explaining that I'm doing this to be able to concentrate on the baby and its well being, but Mick didn't care. He simply told me I'm basically selfish for doing this."

"He can go to hell." Jess said, making Stevie smile weakly. "This is a huge thing that's happening in your life and I couldn't be more proud of you. You never know, the band might break up two months from now, but your child... you'll have them as long as you live. I couldn't imagine life without you or your brother."

"Thank you, Daddy. I'm glad I have your support and Lindsey's. He said I did the right thing as well."

"And you did." Barbara nodded, giving her a squeeze.

"Although, to be fair, Mick agreed to allow my songs on the album, but he'd prefer it if I recorded them at home and Lindsey brought the tapes to the band. But... well, it's not certain yet, so..."

"That man should be the last of your worries right now, Teedee. You're going to become a mother. This baby is your priority." 

"Absolutely. And as much as I'm freaking out about it, I also couldn't be happier." Stevie smiled, her hand gravitating to her bump. "I feel like this child and Lindsey are enough for me."

"And I hope nothing comes in the way."

"I really hope for that too..." Stevie nodded, although, on the inside, she wasn't so sure. 

Something always happened...

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