Get used to it

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Stevie was cleaning up the kitchen after dinner, when Lindsey came in with a grin on his face, causing her to raise an eyebrow. 

"What are you so happy about?" 

"I just got off the phone with Mick."

"Oh, so that's who it was. And?" Stevie asked, drying her hands as she then faced him.

"I got fired."

"What? Why would that have you smiling from ear to ear?" She was genuinely shocked by what she heard. 

"Because Mick. He's so impulsive. I tried telling him that I have to be a lot more responsible, that I have a daughter now and I want to spend time with my family. He wouldn't listen, yelling at me how I told him I was leaving for a few days and I haven't returned for a month now. He said his patience has run out. He had found someone to fill in for me, hoping that I would change my mind and come back, but he said he won't be waiting any longer. I'm out and whoever the guy is - he's in."

Letting that sink in, Stevie then said. "But this isn't very good, Linds. I mean... We have money, but it will run out eventually. What are we going to do?"

Shrugging his shoulders, Lindsey wasn't too worried about it. At least not at the moment. "We're known musicians now, Stevie. We let it out, that we want to get back to music, I swear to you, we'll be offered deals from everyone. We could make it work. We would have our own schedule, we would do things the way we want them to do. There would be no Mick Fleetwood breathing down our necks."

"I'm not sure I want to do that at all. We have a baby, Lindsey. She's not even two months yet!"

Sighing, he nodded and walked over to her, wrapping her in a hug. "And we don't have to stress about it yet. We've got time. I'm only putting it out there." Pressing a kiss to her forehead, Lindsey pulled back, smiling reassuringly. "We'll figure it out."

"I still don't really understand why you're so happy. You just got fired." Stevie wondered aloud, going to put the kettle on for a cup of tea.

"I don't know to be honest, I feel... free, somehow. I was probably going to leave on my own terms, because it just wasn't the same without you, but I wasn't sure how to approach the matter and here came in Mick, making the whole situation a lot easier."

"You were going to quit?" She asked, to make sure she understood him correctly. She knew how much he loved being in a band, more so, he lived for playing to thousands of fans all over the world. 

"Yeah. I mean... when you weren't there anymore, all of a sudden it started feeling like a cheap version of Fleetwood Mac. Simply going through motions through every show, it wasn't fun anymore. And with you... well, taking one look at you moving around the stage, with your tambourine and your shawls and everything, you were inspiring me. Once you left, it faded as well."

Stevie listened with her mouth slightly agape. "You never told me that before."

"Well, you know how I am about expressing my emotional side and all..." Lindsey trailed off.

"That is the most wonderful compliment, Lindsey, what you just said." Stevie approached him, sitting at the table, as now she placed her hands on his shoulders, leaning to capture his lips for a brief moment. "I'm so glad to have you back." She smiled shyly. "I love you and I was missing you more than ever, even though you were here, in the same house all the time."

"I probably didn't take the best approach at dealing with what happened, but I hope you understand, that I did need that space between us."

"I do, of course I do. I'm simply happy you found it in you to forgive me and stay with me. I couldn't possibly survive without you, Linds. It's like... I've always felt strongly about you, but ever since we got back together, I need you just as much as I need air to breath."

The words made him smile, as he pulled her in closer by her hips, his hands remaining there. "You don't have to worry about it anymore. What's done is done, but thankfully we were able to heal from that and look at us now. Weren't we making plans for our wedding last night?" He asked and she nodded, tearfully. "See? Baby, you don't have to be this insecure about our relationship. Nothing is perfect. No matter how many stupid arguments we'll have in the future, I am not going to give up on you, because there is no one else that I could ever love as deeply as I love you. More than that, Steph, you have made me a father. We're bound together forever, baby. Get used to it." 

Laughing lightly, Stevie pecked him on the lips again. "You have changed like night and day, Linds. I am so lucky to have you." 

"Just like I am lucky to have you." He smiled lovingly, holding her tightly. Although, their embrace didn't last much longer, as they heard a cry from upstairs. "I guess someone feels left out." Lindsey joked and stood up. "I'll go check on Ari, you go and relax. I'll join you in a minute." Pressing a kiss to her temple, he then jogged up the stairs and went to the nursery, leaving Stevie with a content smile on her face.


Hi, I'm sorry I haven't updated for so long, but I've started to struggle with this story. Thanks, magnettothesea, for a little push! 

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