Chapter Nine

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So, I really love this chapter because a lot goes on! I hope you like this because this is the plot that I thought of, even before I started this story!

Hope you love it!! Love you! And IDK why I'm putting the author's note up here soo....


Harry's P.O.V

*Two Months Later*

Right now, Louis, Zayn, and I were watching movies and listening to music. Louis and Zayn would play the guitar and I would sing. Zayn is good at singing also so I was surprised when he sang along with me.

            “Hey mates, do you want to meet my other best mates, Niall and Liam? They used to go to my school and I haven’t talked to them since I moved.” I suggested. I really hope they didn’t mind. I missed them a lot.

            “Sure, I don’t mind!” Zayn exclaimed, as he went back to playing chords on his guitar. I went on Skype and found that Niall was on. I wasn’t worried about not seeing Liam because he is always with Niall. They are joined at the hip in moments when they are around.

            Niall accepted the call and his face popped up on my laptop. “Hey Harry! Thanks for calling us while you were gone!” He said sarcastically. I shrugged and waved as Liam popped up by Niall.

            “Ni, he probably is busy getting a good reputation there. Or he has a boyfriend!” I rolled my eyes, about to remark about them being rude but Louis plopped down on my lap. He waved to the camera and laughed.

            “Well I’m not really trying on my reputation but yes, I do have a boyfriend. This is Louis!” I said to them with a smirk on my face. They smiled and Niall started laughing. “Hi Louis, I’m Niall and this is Liam!” Niall said happily. Louis looked at me and smiled.

            ‘He is Irish?’ I nodded and wrapped my arms around his waist securely. I looked back at Niall and Liam to have confusion written on their faces. “Louis can’t talk. But he is so sweet, funny, and cute!” I gushed towards them.

            “Now tell me Louis. Has Harry gotten over protective towards you?” Liam questioned towards him. Louis nodded and smiled my way. Niall and Liam laughed. They would know. I am protective to anyone that is close in my life. One time, I came close to starting a fight after Niall was getting bullied. I was a total different person that day, but we three just laugh at the moment.

            “Lou, I don’t know how you do it. I am surprised he doesn’t lock you in some room at school so no one can come in contact with you whatsoever. If I was his boyfriend, I would’ve strangled him for being protective of me.” Louis snickered and poked my cheek mockingly. I glared him playfully, resting my head on his shoulder.

            “Zayn, come meet them!” He looked up shyly and nodded. He sat down on the empty space next to me and waved to them. Niall and Liam said ‘Hi’ and continued talking with us.

            After about twenty minutes, Liam got tired of Niall’s complaints of being hungry and bid us goodbye as the chat was over. I closed the laptop and sighed happily. ‘Your friends are crazy.’ Louis stated and jumped off my lap. He walked over to the stereo that sat by the wall and turned it on.

            Maroon 5 blasted through the speakers as Zayn pumped up his fists. I laughed as he bopped his head to the music and Louis was walking over to me. He grabbed my hand and Zayn’s hand and pulled us on top of the couch so we were standing on it. He started jumping to the beat and prompted us to do so too.

            Zayn and I started singing at the top of our lungs. I started running out of breath and ended up laughing. I fell into Louis, making him fall onto the floor. Zayn burst into laughter and sat down on the couch. I put out my hand for Louis and he took it slowly. I pulled him up fast and wrapped my arms around him. I kissed his nose and then moved my lips to his and pulled away, not wanting to get carried away with Zayn around.

            He chuckled and went to the kitchen.

Louis' P.O.V

I went to the kitchen to get us all some food and drinks. I got the glasses out and filled them all with Pepsi. I opened the cupboard and looked for some crisps. I kept looking for them until I found them right on the top shelf, where I couldn’t reach. I gave out an annoying sigh and tried reaching for it on my tiptoes. My fingertips were barely touching until a different hand grabbed the bag.

            I looked over my shoulder to see Zayn with them in his hands. He smiled sheepishly and handed them to me. “I figured you needed some help…” He trailed off. I realized the space between us wasn’t a very large gap. I looked at him as he licked his lips. This is starting to get really awkward. I want to move away but I’m kind of trapped between him, the wall, and the cupboard.

            I was about to try and move but Zayn’s lips collided with mine. My eyes widened as I realized what was going on. He pushed my towards the wall with such force that I squinted my eyes shut at the dull pain from my back. I put my hand to his chest as he kept kissing me, trying to push away.

            I heard the door opened and Zayn pulled away alarmed. I saw Harry standing there. His expression held different emotions. It had hurt, anger, and sadness.

            I stepped away from Zayn with tears pricking my eyes. “H-Harry I’m so sorry, I wasn’t even thinking.”

            “Shut up, Zayn. I knew right after you confessed you liked Louis, I knew something was going to happen! And to think I trusted you! I hate you so much now!” He yelled towards Zayn, who had guilt in his eyes. I stepped in front of Harry. “AND YOU LET IT HAPPEN! I THOUGHT YOU DIDN’T HAVE ANY FEELINGS FOR HIM! I guess I was wrong…” His voice started cracking as he yelled at me.

            He ran out of the kitchen as I followed him. Just before he reached the door, I grabbed his arm. He turned around and gave me a glare. “Get away from me, Louis!” He yelled in my face. He shoved me forcefully and I stumbled to the floor. A tear slipped out of his eye before he slammed the door.

            “H-Harry… I l-love you…” I croaked out.

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