Chapter Nineteen

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Louis P.O.V

"That was not our best performance tonight, boys." Liam sighed, sitting down on one of the plastic seats at the airport. We all were going home since it was our last day in America. The Teen Choice Awards just finished but I didn't bother staying at all. I went out with Niall and Liam who had to pack early. 

I looked over at Harry who stared blankly out the large window. I knew I hurt him. I don't know what happened to me. It couldn've been stress, or just because I was tired of all of the attention. But I shouldn't have said that he was too clingy. He wasn't. I feel absolutely horrible. He shook his hair out and shifted it to the side before going back into his trance.

I looked at him once again to see him wipe a tear away from his cheek. My heart broke as more tears leaked from his beautiful eyes. I quickly looked away. I didn't want to go over there. I didn't want to face him and hurt him even more.

"Flight 419 to Cheshire, England is now boarding." Harry finally got caught out of his gaze and looked around the small group made by the rest of the boys. He got up and grabbed the navy blue duffel bag. "I'll see you guys in a few weeks." He mumbled, fixing his shirt. He walked past all of us but I stopped him. 

"Harry... wait." He turned around with hope filling his eyes. "Y-yes Louis?"

"Don't talk to me. I don't like you at the moment." I growled. I surprised myself at what came out of my mouth. I didn't want to say that at all. He looked at me with hurt in his eyes and turned sharply away. He started walking away but I could still here the sob that emitted from him. 

"Louis, why did you do that? What's going on between you two?" Zayn asked, crossing his fingers together. I sighed. I can't tell them about the whole situation before the show. Then they would know that we are together. "We... we're just in an argument. You know how b-best friends do that once in a while." I mumbled to myself almost.

"Flight 952 to Doncaster, England is now boarding." The automated voice said plainly. I got up quickly and grabbed my bag. I waved to them as they waved back and started walking to the plane. 

All I want to do is get home to my mum. But just in a week, I will have to go back to London to start recording more for the band... and living with Harry.


Harry's P.O.V

I walked into my home and closed the door with a sigh. It was early morning and I knew that my mother would be asleep. I set my luggage down by the door and headed to the kitchen to get a snack. 

Once I got a bag of crisps, I leaned against the counter. I started thinking back before the awards. It was just meant as a joke, he never got too offended by making remarks about his rare stuttering. But maybe I am to clingy when I am around him. All I do is hang off of his shoulder or his arm.

Now he hates me. What he said at the airport hurt but I guess it's my fault for being in his face all the time. I don't know why I'm blaming myself on this, maybe it's because I do know that I am always by him, even though management told us not to.

I headed up to my room. I closed my bedroom door and sat down on my bed with a sigh. I looked around my old room and smiled. But something caught my eye on the bookshelf. I got up and pulled the card out from in between the two books. I read the back and it said in a familiar handwriting: Hazza and his bestest friend in the world, Boobear being crazy! 

I turned it around and smiled sadly at the picture. It was four pictures of us, two of me at the bottom. It was right after Louis was out of the hospital and we decided to just be friends My mind started zooming out to the memory.

"C-come on, H-Harry." Louis said, stumbling over his words which I thought was cute. He put the big, black wig on my head and smiled once it was in place. "Lou, why are we doing this?" He chuckled and shrugged. 

"B-because I want t-to have f-fun!" He exclaimed loudly, grabbing my wrist and dragging me out of the house. I looked at him and chuckled at the sight. His hair was the same color as mine and it looked like what mine would be in the morning.

"N-now just a-act stupid a-and make sure th-that you seem c-crazy." He whispered into my ear secretly as we were already getting weird glances from people on the street. I nodded and put my arm around him. "So I said to her- OH MY GOD! LOOK! A SQUIRREL!" I yelled out in a Jersey accent and pointing at a random person on the street. 

Louis started laughing, making the corners of his eyes scrunch up. My smile dropped and as I kept staring at him. He started hitting my chest lightly with the back of his hand. "H-Haz, look! T-they are taking our p-picture." He said, pointing to a few across the street. 

We started running towards them and stopped. "Hello! Can I see that?" I asked the girl, not a year younger than me and she smiled. "Course." 

I took the camera and started taking pictures with Louis. "Here! Let me take some!" She said, taking the camera out of my hands and taking a few with me and him. And then two of just me. I looked at Louis and pushed him lightly on the shoulder. He looked at me and poked my dimple. "I t-told y-you we would h-have fun."

A tear landed onto the picture. That was one of the best memories I ever had. We almost kissed that day. But we brushed it off like it meant nothing. 

I laid down on my bed as more tears spilled down my red cheeks. I fell asleep, with the picture still in my hand.


This made me sad and cry!! I loved the picture thing because they do have pictures like that where they were wearing wigs and just LARRY FEELS! Anywhore, I have school tomorrow :/ and now I actually have to face the outside world... I don't know how I'm going to live. I can't update whenever I want to now!! 

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Love you guys! Xxx

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