Chapter Twenty-Two

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Louis' P.O.V

I know I did something wrong. I'm gay. I don't know why I was seeing Eleanor behind Harry's back. I feel absolutely horrible. Especially since we can't find him at all. The boys and I have called him, his mum, and even my mum. I was starting to get worried because Harry isn't like this.

If he ever had a fight with me, he would come back or go over to one of the boys' place. But he isn't anywhere. It was too late to go out and look for him and trusted him to be safe. We hope he was alright and unharmed. I don't know how I'm going to explain the whole situation with me and Eleanor with him though.

I just wanted to try something else it felt good, since I started drifting away from Harry because of it. I still don't like girls like I like boys, I just think I needed something to take my mind off of it and Eleanor was there. I should've said something when she called Harry and gay low life like she was defending me. She wasn't. She did nothing to improve the situation. 

I ran a hand through my unruly hair and sighed, "I hope he's okay." 


Harry's P.O.V

I woke up on something hard and cold. I realized that I didn't have my shirt on and my pants were around my ankles. My wrist hurt a lot too. I looked at my surroundings as every memory came back to my mind like a train.

Louis and Eleanor were kissing.

I ran out of the flat.

The guy grabbed me and pushed me in the alleyway, along with gagging me.

The unknown man raped me.

I feel horrible. I feel like a disgrace. I feel dirty and such a man-whore for what happened. I looked at my wrist that was throbbing from the joint between my hand and wrist and up. Tears blurred my eyes as the jagged marks from a sharp object spelt out three letters. 


I'm a disgrace, a dirty, horrible, man-whore. And now I'm a fag. I quickly wiped the tears away as no emotion shone through my senses. I grabbed my shirt, staring off into space as I put it on, making sure the sleeve covered up the dried blood covered name that I will forever be known.


Liam's P.O.V

We heard the front door of Louis' flat open and then slam close. I quickly made my way to the door but no one was there. I walked to the lounge and I found a small huddle on the couch. I recognized the shirt to be Harry's. 

"Harry! There you are! We were worried sick! Where have you..." I trailed off as I looked at his expression. He didn't have one. His eyes were glazed over; unfocused. His hair was all over the place and his face had patches of dirt on them. His lips were in a straight line and he hasn't moved at all for the past five minutes I've been looking at him.

 I looked up from the weird sight in front of me to see Louis, Zayn, and Niall coming towards us. "Harry! Thank god you're okay!" Niall yelped, wrapped his arms around Harry. Harry flinched at the light contact but was still in a trance. Niall looked at me confusedly. Louis walked up and put a hand on Harry's waist.

"Harry, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." He begged as he hugged the emotionless teen. Then Harry started to shake. His shoulders and his hands the most. But he still managed to have that blank look on his face. "Harry? Harry, why are you shaking? Are you okay? Harry?" We all begged for him to answer but then the shaking stopped abruptly.

"Harry can you tell me what happened? I know we need to talk about what happened and I regret every minute of it. Please talk to me, Haz." Louis pleaded as he stroked Harry's arm. Harry sat there emotionless as we kept trying to ask him what was wrong. Something tells me that Harry isn't exactly like this because of Louis.


Later that night, Harry got up and went to the bathroom to take a long shower. I didn't see him for the rest of that night and I was wondering if he would ever come down to breakfast this morning. Louis, Niall, and Zayn were eating cereal quietly as I was waiting patiently for Harry to come down the stairs.

"Louis, you're a cunt." Niall stated simply as he continued to stuff his face with the cereal. Louis sighed. "I know. I don't know why I did that, or keep away from him. I hurt him bad. But something else happened. With the dirt on his face, going missing for a while, and staring at nothing isn't him when we have a fight. He would try to talk to me ever since the incident at school." He concluded just as he heard footsteps coming down the stairs. We all stood up as Harry walked in slowly, wearing only pajama pants.

We all went up to him and we could see tear stains down his face. I put my arms around him and hugged him but he pushed back. "Please don't hurt me! I-I'm sorry just n-no one touch me!" He blurted out. He backed up the to wall, trying to get away from us. 

Louis' eyes widened and walked over to him. "Harry, are you okay?" Louis asked as he hesitantly put a hand through his curls, trying to calm the heavily breathing boy. "NO! Don't! PLEASE STOP! I'M SORRY JUST DON'T HURT ME ANYMORE! No one touch me!" We all back away from the screaming boy, who was thrashing around as he was trying to get Louis away. Tears spread down his face.

He started pulling on his hair as he slid down the white kitchen wall. He rocked back and forth, mumbling something. I listened closely as I caught onto something that he said. He kept saying, 'I'm worthless, I hate myself'.

His wrist was really red too. Even though I could see the other side, I knew that he hurt his wrist. He quickly got up and ran upstairs. But in seconds that I could catch a glimpse of him, he had red, jagged lines down his back. Louis fell to his knees as he said the same thing I was thinking.


I cried a lot earlier because of a fanfic that I was reading by one of my Larry bitches!! haha! and now I'm crying because of this!! Please help me with these sorrowful fanfictions!!

So how do you guys like this?! The whole plot twist with Harry was not my idea in the first place. And I think it was a good idea because Louis thinks that he did something wrong (which he did) but there is something else.

I will post a chapter later today or early tomorrow!

Love you guys!Xxx

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