Chapter Twenty-Six

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Zayn's P.O.V

I looked between the doctor and Louis worriedly. What if Louis couldn't talk again? What if he damaged his vocal chords for good instead of temporary like last time. Louis was crying quietly as I smoothed out his back soothingly. 

"Well Jay, Mr. Tomlinson. It seems like there is some slight damage on his vocal chords. We should keep an eye on it. Louis, come back to Doncaster in two weeks to see how's it going. In the meantime, don't try talking. And drink water. Well I'll be getting back home. You all have a good rest of your... morning? Ha, see you then." He nodded towards the three of us and left my flat.

Once the door was closed, Louis pulled to my chest and sobbed. "Hey, hey. It's going to be okay, yea? You're going to get better." He shook his head and looked up at me. 'What if I don't? What if I won't be able to talk again? I will be letting everyone one of you guys down. I will be letting the fans down.' He signed as Jay kissed the top of his head.

"How did this exactly happen, Zayn?" I sighed and shook my head. "Apparently Harry tackled him to the ground and started choking him." Jay's eyes widened in disbelief. She turned to Louis and said, "I know you said that he was acting differently but hon, this is serious." Louis shook his head.

She sighed and and looked at me. "Zayn, I want to talk to you." I nodded and headed towards the kitchen. Once the door was closed she looked at me. "I still don't fully trust you. With all the things you did to Louis, I still won't trust you for a long time. But I've known you longer than any of the boys, except Harry. Will I be able to keep my son safe if I am letting you watch out for him?" She asked suspiciously. 

I nodded frantically. "I still can't forgive myself. I know I wasn't gay but I knew I had something for Louis. Not so much anymore. I'm still getting over my break up with Perrie. I will keep him safe no matter what. You can trust me. He can live with me and I will make sure Harry doesn't go near him for a while. We don't know what's going on with Harry. Him and Louis got into a fight... I guess? He hasn't really told us. Anyway, Harry went out and didn't come back till late. But he just wasn't right. He was just not Harry. 

It's been three weeks and he won't talk with Louis about what happened, he is threatening us, he's abusive sometimes, and, even if he might think I don't hear it, but he's been calling Louis crude names. Like fag and queer. I don't get why. Harry is also denying to us that he isn't gay. I want to find out what's wrong but we don't know what's the matter." I finished, taking a deep breath. She nodded. 

"Well, I'm going to get going." I nodded and walked her towards the door. "Bye Louis. Call me if something happens." Louis nodded as his mother walked out of flat. "Lou, I think we should go get your stuff."


Once we entered his flat, we met face to face with Harry. He sported a devious smirk on his face. "Louis, go get your stuff." I whispered, patting his back. He nodded and walked quickly up the stairs. I looked at Harry. "You are such a bitch. You really messed up this time, Styles. You have no idea what you've done to him, the band, and especially the fans." I seethed quietly at him. He rolled his eyes.

"I didn't do anything. He came into my room and he didn't listen to me. All I did was choke him a little bit. The least it could've done was leave a bruise on his neck. I could've held on tighter." He shrugged carelessly. "No! You did more than just put a bruise on his-." 

Louis came down the stairs slowly with two duffel bags. He walked up to me and put the bags down. 'I got everything.' He signed to me. I could see out of the corner of my eyes that Harry's green ones widened. 

But he quickly hid it with a scoff. Louis turned towards him. 'I'm sorry for whatever I did wrong. I know I shouldn't have done that with Eleanor and I'm sorry. Whatever happened that night that you ran off, I wish you would tell me. I'm sorry.'

Harry kept a straight face and pointed to the door. "Goodbye! I don't have time for a waste of space." Louis' eyes filled with tears and hurt as he grabbed his things and ran out the door. "You're a real douche aren't you?" I scoffed at him.

"I prefer being normal."

I scoffed and slammed the door behind me, catching up to Louis.


This chapter is sad :( Harry is still being an asshole and now Louis is all innocent because he can't talk. I want to share something with you: DON'T YOU GUYS REALIZE THAT AT ONE POINT HARRY WAS FOURTEEN AND LOUIS WAS SEVENTEEN?

I started crying when I realized that. But it only last for like, two months because then Harry turned fifteen!! haha!! I love fetus!! 

Comment what you think of this!! 

Love you guys! Xxx

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