Chapter Twenty-Five

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Louis' P.O.V

I walked aimlessly down the street. Why won't Harry let me talk to him? I know what I did was wrong but it's been three weeks. We would've talked about it. I still think that something else happened to him that night. The boy's have given up on him, only accepting the verbal and somewhat physical abuse from him.

He's built so many walls around him. He's blocked everyone out. If we try to talk to him, all we would get in response is, "Shut the fuck up" or "I hate all of you and if you come near me I will throw a knife at you". To say his threats are intimidating is an understatement. He sounds so serious when he says them that I leave the room in case he does. 

One time he threw an alarm clock at me. Luckily it didn't hit my head hard enough to get a severe injury. I did pass out because of it though. It didn't bother me what he did but it did hurt when he didn't even say sorry. All he did was laugh and say I was pathetic. And when the boys weren't around. He called me a worthless, piece of shit, queer. 

The next day after that, he tried to throw a plate at me because we had an argument about why he was acting like this. Fortunately, it hit the wall right by my head. All I did was say good morning and then he starts telling me to, '"Shut up and stop being such a faggot". and then I told him how were both gay and then he got all mad but there was a different kind of emotion. It was sadness and fear but he covered it up with anger.

I took a deep breath and sighed. I'm walking for a reason. I want to get everything off my mind and just-.

Someone grabbed the back of my neck from behind. I gasped and a beefy hand went to my mouth. "Don't say a word, fag. I can ruin your life just as much as your boyfriend." Somebody seethed into my ear. I made a sound of confusion as I was forced into a trashed alley. 

I sat up in my bed, breathing heavily. Who ruined ruined Harry's life? I brought my knees to my chest. A tear slipped out of my eye as the first few things came into my mind of the dream. He did throw an alarm clock at me. He tried to throw a plate at me. He calls us horrible names and hits us once in a while.

But who ruined him? Who was that guy? I wiped my eyes and then realized that Harry was blasting music from his room. It was a good thing the other lads weren't here. I groaned as banging on the wall started sounding. 

I tore the covers off of me, walked out of my room and pounded my fist against the wooden door. The music still kept playing so I opened the door quickly with an annoyed look. The music suddenly stopped and Harry turned towards me. 

"What the actual fuck?! Get out!" 

"Not until you stop that nonsense. I am trying to sleep!" I yelled back, walking over the the stereo and unplugging the device. "Hey! You asshole! That's why I broke up with you! All you are is a piece of shit!" 

I looked down and shook my head as he continued. "Now get out." 


"Louis! Get the hell out of my room!" He bellowed me.

"I said no!" He got up from where he was sitting and tackled me to the ground. His fist connect with my face as my hands tried blocking him. My fist hit his stomach and he groaned. Then he grabbed my neck with both hands.

My eyes widened as I started gasping for air, desperately trying to get his hands off of my neck. "Motherfucker! I hope you stop breathing! I hope you stop talking and you won't be able to ever again because your voice is so annoying!"

I felt my throat closing up more and more as his grip on my throat tighten. I felt lightheaded and I heard him chuckle darkly. "Please. Stop." I managed to spit out. He then let go and I felt a burst of air flow in my lungs. He kicked my stomach and then picked me up and threw me out of his room, slamming the door. 

I started coughing and sputtering. I couldn't get up. I couldn't move at all and I felt like I did when I couldn't talk. I felt like my voice was trapped and it wouldn't come up. 

Then I became alarmed and slowly crawled to my room and closed the door. Once I was done coughing and I took a nice drink of water, I tried to talk. I started coughing again. I couldn't stop.

I tried again and the same thing happened. Then I went back to four years ago and realized I tried the same thing when Zayn made me do that. I couldn't talk. 

I quickly made my way out of the house and to Zayn's flat. I started pounding my fist on the door rapidly. The door suddenly opened and a tired looking Zayn came into view in just his boxers. "God, what is it?" I pointed to my throat and tried to say his name. But I started sputtering once again. 

Tears started streaming down my face as I signed, 'I can't talk!' His eyes widened and he grabbed my hand, pulling me into his home. "What do you mean you can't talk?" He asked, worry lining his voice. I took a deep breath to stop the sobs from sounding.

'I went into Harry's room and... and then we started fighting and then he started hitting me. He grabbed my throat and kept saying I should die or I shouldn't talk. I-I've been trying to talk and I keep coughing!'

He grabbed me and pulled me into a hug. I sobbed loudly into his bare shoulder. "We need to call your mum." I nodded as he got his phone out and dialed it. 

He put it up to his ear as he held the same position as he stroked my back gently. "Jay, sorry for the late call but we have... have a problem." He paused, and waited for her reply. "Well, he can't talk. He's been trying to and he can't." 

"Wait, you're coming... right now?" Zayn questioned. I looked at him as he stroked my cheek and smiled down at me. "O-okay. I'll see you then." He hung up the phone and kissed my forehead. "It's going to be okay, Lou." 


I started freaking out because my original plan was for Harry to choke Louis for him to pass out. But then I thought, "Hey, he's choking him and that's where your vocal chords are. TIME FOR A SAD PLOT TWIST."

But this is sad and scary. Harry is acting like an asshole but you can't blame him for that. And Louis is so innocent, yet such an asshole that it's sad :'(

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